So, most people know the who's on first comedy routine, I thought it was rather famous/well known. Well apparently my husband has proved once again that he is not most people. He comes home the other all excited about this comedy thing his dad showed him. He then proceeds to find it on YouTube so I can watch it. Let me tell you I about fell out of my chair laughing at him when I discovered what he wanted me to see then was even more flabbergasted that he had never even heard of this routine until that day. I thought everyone knew the who's on first no Who's on second shennigans. Which leads me into my husbands and mine very one who's on first conversation. We get coupons for shopping at Kroger alot, and this one time recently we got a coupon for box tops for schools. I was all excited thinking I could donate them to my mom's school, and Casey is like what's a box top and I'm like what do you mean what's a box top it's a box top and he's like I know but what is it? I said you know it's a box top like box tops for education. He's like but what is it and I said again what do you mean it's a box top found on the top of a box, except for now you can find them on soup cans too. Well by now he's laughing and frustrated I'm again flabbergasted that he doesn't know what a box top is and he says that's it this conversation is done because it's obviously going nowhere. Had I known what watching that video would do to my weekend I never would have watched it, needless to say there were mutiple who's on first moments with my fellow coworkers that weekend. Which leads me too my most recent domestic mishap, which to my surprise involves cooking!! Now I may not be a tv worthy cook but I do like to think I can handle my own in the kitchen, well today the score officially became kitchen 2 katie 0. For starters I was making brunswick stew which I have made many times both in teh crockpot and on the stove today because I had planned to walk the dogs and go to the gym it was going in the crock pot. My troubles began when my time schedule started breaking down and then when I went to shred the pork and it wasn't cooked long enough to shred right. So, I had to place my chunks of pork into the crockpot to be shredded right before we eat. Then you are supposed to chill the water the pork cooked in scrap the fat off the top and cook the potatoes and onions in it, well my time table was so shot I didn't have the time to chill it so I just had to dump and refill and cook with new water. Well small tiny detail that could still prove disastarous the pork water I had reduced down to about two cups per the recipe, new water yea not so much just fill up the pot and started it a boiling. Luckily I realized my mistake when i went to go pour it all in and there was way to much water. But, I still decided to scoop some out in the hopes that it would be two cups worth in the end. Now for the piece de resistance in all of this. I'm in the middle of talking to Casey who's at work and waiting for my tart shell to bake when I notice that smoke is coming out of my oven just as the timer goes off for my tart. So, I open the oven and smoke starts billowing out, my tart is literally exploding over the sides and dripping onto the bottom of the oven hence the smoke, and I tell casey I gotta go my tart shell just exploded. So, now I'm quickly taking the tart shell out of the oven while trying not to set my fire alarm off and figure out how to get rid of teh burnt stuff causing the smoke without letting all the smoke out. First I open the windows which is a feat in and of itself because our windows insist on sticking. Then I turn the oven off and have this bright idea to let it clean itself not realizing that that 3:26 is not 3 minutes but 3 hours. So, now I must move on to plan B which consists of quickly opening the oven and throwing water in it. Then I go running down to the basement to find my super fan to blow all the smoke out of the house because of course there is no lovely breeze while I'm doing all this. Lo and behold the super fan is missing. I then proceed on a whole house hunt for it thinking all the while casey will kill me if he comes home to a smoky house, but success was not to be had, super fan is missing. Plan C involves Casey's precious fan which I haul downstairs and plug up in teh dining room. I then proceed to clean out the bits of burnt tart crust, turn back on my oven and cook the tart for the second time like the recipe says, all the while watching it waiting for it to jump up and do something else to torment my oven. Lesson learned when it says use beans or rice to way down the tart USE BEANS or RICE. And now on to happy moments, pictures from Marie and Will's visit.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Holy zing Batman that was good!!
So, Casey's off being manly as he calls it and mowing the lawn, which means I'm inside by myself because I've already done my lawn duties which include pooper scooping the yard before he mows so we don't have poop pancakes in our yard. TMI I know but hey what can I tell ya, we have two dogs and small yard. I did however help myself out a bit by taking them for an extremely long walk at swift Cantrell today. I love that park!! It's just so pretty and cool. And since my hips and butt seem to be growing on some unknown exponential scale, cool weather is my hero. I did have a somewhat productive day all by myself however, casey was at work so I had to entertain myself. Since we've been on this organization kick I decided to continue the trend, especially when while shopping at Michaels for scrapbook stickers I found a supa cute pink and polka dot scrapbook organizer on sale!! Needless to say it's new owner is me! But since I'm not a major scrapbook maniac like some people mine is really more of a arts and crafts organizer. So, it has the scarf I can't remember how to crochet/knit ( see I can't even remember which one I'm doing) and all of my needles and thread for fixing things, and leftover scrapbook products from past projects. My next project is to finally start working on my UGA scrapbook. I've decided it's going to be the Alumni years, cause the college photos were too many. Of course Casey has taken all of them so we know they are fabulous, which means I have to decorate them to show off their fabulosity. So, I made a really good stir fry for dinner it came from my eating well website and used tangelos as part of the marinade. Super tasty with a little zing that Casey has requested I tweak a bit, because it is to spicy for him. Okay so I realized that since I'm a horrible poster their are no posts from my and Casey's annual trip to the beach house in Destin, and since depending on how my Uncle's family feels about it, it may or may not be here for us to use next year. I think this post will pay tribute to all the fabulous that were had. With the hope that there will be many, many more to come.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fabulously Delicious
Okay so today I tried my hand at Risotto for the first time and I must say it came out sooo super delicious I actually pulled a Giada and mmmed after my food. It was that good!! I'm rather impressed with myself. Well our house is almost officially a year old. It's been a year since we signed paperwork to begin building the house. It's so funny how time goes by so quickly. I mean in like two months Casey and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary. It's crazy to think we've been married a whole year, and we made it without a single casualty. So amazing, I thank God everyday for making Casey cause it's kinda hard to picture life without him now. Ahhh sappy moment. Okay all better now. Casey and I are continuing to add new things to our house. We keep saying we should hold off because before long it's gonna be time to paint and we're gonna have to move all that stuff. So far the only place we listened to our own advice on that has been in the dining room. Our newest additions include a foyer table, lamp and heirloom nick nacks from great grandparents. It looks oober nice if I do say so myself. I've decided that I could have a lot of fun helping people decorate their homes. I would never want to be a designer because I would need owner input, but I can definetely help. Casey and I are slowly getting more and more organized too, I think we've finally come up with a good system to pay bills. I accidentally forgot one last month and so had to come up with a new way to set up bill reminders. On a side note my neighbors kids are so darn cute the youngest one is in a super dress up outfit being pulled by her dad in the wagon and the second youngest in learning to ride his bike with training wheels. Sooo stinking cute. Casey and I have also put pictures of us all dressed up in our closet in fun primary color frames. And I reorganized my shoes cause Casey was teasing me about them I might need to go take a picture and post it so you can see. Okay so these pics are the newest additions to our house and of course one random one. I just don't know which. I will try to be better about posting again soon.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Ok, so I know long time no see. I told you this would be hard for me. Lots has been going on since I last did anything on this thing. Casey and I had our first couples trip of the new year. Celebrated a couple of holidays as a married couple, and have done more fun things to the house!! Our trip was to Savannah, I like to call it our mini vaca. We went for a really good friend of mine's wedding and just hung out in Savannah until the wedding. Casey of course has all the super cool pictures, but I'll upload what I have. We also came up with this really cool idea to go on our huge wall above the couch in teh living room. Everyone has seen the pictures of object that look like letters and when put together spell words? Well that's what we did Katie and Casey style. So, our last name is on that wall and we are going to put pictures of all teh places we've been on the wall. I think I want to get plain frames that I can paint or stain on my own. Then I can write carve or burn the name of the place into the frame. Pretty cool huh? We officially lost our first bush, and I think two more might be trying to bite the dust. My mom came down and helped us install a sprinkler for dummies system, so we're hoping that will save them. I'm kinda sad about the bush we lost though it was an azelea and I really wanted it to live because that was my grandfather's thing to grow, so it was a kinda remembrance thing, but alas it didn't make it. Owell we are gonna make some beds in teh backyard too and hopefully they will make it back there. Casey and I also had our first boys only girls only parties as a married couple. I went off to celebrate a friends graduation , and he stayed here and had a ton of friends over that morphed into a grown man sleepover. Hehe wait until he reads that, I might be in trouble. LOL anyways I've decided I think my cat is falling apart, he keeps having all this crazy stuff. Most recently we discoved sticky stuff on the back of his knee that has led to a bald spot. Casey and I are also at war with the massive amounts of fur the children seem to be producing. I think I have brushed enough winter coat to make at least two new dogs. Oh, we also got to introduce Michelle Casey's sister to the boating life, and Gremlin discovered riding on the jet ski. I have a feeling that will be mine and Casey's next big purchase. Ok so pics today include the cool letters on our wall, savannah and some of my better cooking creations, one being Michelle's graduation cake. I'm sooo stinking proud of that thing.
Friday, April 30, 2010
It's a buggy bug world

So, exciting things are happening with our house!! Our deck stairs are finished and so is our decks under cover!! It looks amazing!! So exciting to have a dry place to sit and watch the rain fall down. J.T. one of Casey's friends and an electrician came over last night for dinner and to help us wire up these great fans we bought. Let me tell you electrical work with those two boys and me is quite a hoot, there was a lot of words that to people who had no idea what we were talking about sounded very dirty. But in the end two ceiling fans were up and running, and then our first problem happened. No matter how many DIY Casey and I try to do we always manage to have a problem. Current problems the fans hung so low no one over six feet could walk underneath them. Then when we went to try them out today they don't even circulate that much air, on high speed it just putzes along so we decided to return them and try our luck again. We went to Lowe's first and they didn't really have anything, but we got lucky at Home Depot they had one we liked and it's gonna sit flush with the ceiling!!! Makes our height thing virtually gone unless someone over 7ft visits us then we are gonna be in trouble. We also found this great patio set for the dowstairs area and pillows to go on the hammock that match. The patio set even has a fire pit, unfortunetely we could only get one box in my car so casey is gonna go back after work tomorrow and get the box and our fans!!! Hopefully so problems will occur this time with the set up of the fans and all will be ready for my sister in law's graduation party. We did some shopping for that today with Casey's mom found some great stuff too. I can't wait!! I love throwing parties, Casey even has our next party all lined up, it's for all his old youthgroup friends. Okay so finished products our gonna go up today and I don't know what else, we'll see what strikes my fancy.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I'm a sneaky macsneakster who's stuck in her house.
Okay, so today I'm home alone cause Casey's at work. Not the worst thing in the world except I can't go anywhere! The men who are putting in our stairs are here and at first it was only their lumber blocking my car in, no biggie eventually that would all be used, but now they have also parked their car in my driveway behind the lumber so I am well and truly stuck here. Looks like the dogs and I will be taking multiple walks so they can do their doggie business and so I can get out of the house, cause otherwise I will be a bad girl and munch cause I'm bored. However, I am keeping myself entertained by taking pictures of the stairs as they are being put together, pictures will be up soon. So, Casey and I had our first taste of what married life would be like if we worked opposite schedules, not so much fun. We're trying to work extra when they need us cause come summer he'll be able to continue to pick up extra days, but me not so much. Peds ER kinda slows down in the summer due to vacations and such. So, I worked Tuesday and Thursday extra and he worked Wednesday and Friday extra. I did however manage to cook for us every night I worked though, how's that for forethought and planning? Casey and I are trying to be better about eating out cause we both want to save money and we need to start being healthier too. I already told him that when we're ready to have kids I need to be as healthy as possible and right now not feeling it so much. Well I finally caved in to Casey's want of HD. We are getting this product called Rainaway which will make our lower deck water tight but the Directv receiver has to be moved so Casey was all like we might as well upgrade if they're gonna charge us to come out and move it and everyone says our tv is wasted if we don't get HD. So, me being me I caved under the husband pressure. I hope it doesn't give me a headache though. Oh yeah I almost forgot I am almost the proud owner of UGA sunglasses my cousing found them for me at some little shop she goes too. She sent me a pic from her Iphone I just don't know how to post it here, but let me tell you they are sooooo cute. Okay so for today's pictures I'm gonna post progress on the stairs and Sugar trying to help Casey hang a ceiling fan, and maybe something else.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
i hit the bee with my shoe!!

Well today was a minorly productive day. Casey and I tried to transplant some bushes we saved but ran into a snag when we discovered the builders had buried a pipe where we wanted to dig, so then we tried to come up with a plan B but nothing was quite working out, so we stopped that and moved onto walking the dogs. If any of you missed being outside today let me tell you it was a gorgeous day. Full of sunshine and just enough breeze to keep ya cool. After that I finally balanced the checkbook, it had gotten so bad I actually had to set it up in order of days, not my happy place. Then came the fun part of our day. The Rainaway man came to talk to us about installing our undercover system so casey and I will not have another one am cleaning of the dogs cause they look like georgia red clay walking on four legs. So, while he and Casey and discussing and measuring and doing the manly man thing I'm watching the durn carpenter bees and that's when I see him. One of those durn bees trying to burrow a hole in my deck!! Well me being me I ask him to stop nicely I even gave him three chances to stop and when he didn't I pegged him with my shoe!! Pow right in the kisser!! Quite a good shot if you ask me. Well that's just the beginning of the action, but the end of my masterful shoe aiming. I found at least two more trying to dig holes in my wood couldn't hit a one of them, but the nice rainaway man killed the other one it was easier for him though being 6'4". Then it was off to a very successful shopping trip which made us a shovel, hoe, pruning shears, rake and fire wood storage box richer. Oh, and we may soon be the owners of a chocolate fountain!! Can we say yum?! But for now it's time to watch my dogs and casey toy with eachother. Casey is currently having a grand old time taking random pictures of all the animals with his new camera. Ok so pictures going up today are from Easter where you will finally understand the meaning of bright ( my dress is super yellow, I looked like a freaking sunbeam on Easter at church cause everyone else in orchestra was dressed in pastels) and our new landscaping.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Someone reads this!!
Okay so I discoved people really do read my blog!!! Such an encouragement to me!! Well we officially have some georgous landscaping and we have more curtains inside the house!!! It's slowly looking like a home. Although I must tell you it is super hard not to want to do it all at once. We had our second official party at our new house, it was quite a success if I do say so myself. I finally got to use all my cute serving stuff that I got from the wedding. I have decided however that after the could have been disastorous flame broiled frozen bubba burgers, I will be spurgling on real meat for my sister in laws graduation party. Casey so would have burnt down the house had his friend jeff not been there to save the grease burgers. I wonder is bubba burgers are what Krystal's uses as well? Casey is officially 27 years old ( such an old man right?) and is loving all his new toys, we're gonna take the dogs for a walk and then get cute and take pictures with our lovely landscaping. Which by the way not as easy as it looks. We had to rent a tiller just to break up all that georgia red clay. If I were a cool person I would have had photos of the whole process, but I'm not. So, a couple of pounds of concrete, large sticks and other building debri we have a very cute front garden. Now the real question is did I inherit my grandparents green thumb? Gremlin and Cinnamon were quite distressed over our graden antics, so much so that gremlin found the hole in our fence where the pipe was supposed to run and made that his official watching spot. Only problem is now he's made the hole bigger and can squeeze more than his cute little nose out of it. Other new things include our extended concrete pad, a new glider cause Casey adn I couldn't decide where to hang a swing, and fun outdoor decorations. We truly have the most colorful porch and lawn ever, it's the greatest. Our future outdoor endevours include stairs decks under cover a screen porch and planting our half dead but saved bushes. Oh yeah and we also have a new kitchen table!! Apparently it messes with Casey's something to have a rickety mismatched kitchen table. Casey and I also celebrated our first Easter together as a married couple. We each got new outfits that made us look like brightly colored Easter eggs and went to church and then on to work. I even got to have my annual jelly bean hunt which is like a tradition in the Martin family. Casey made a little trail for me at the house that led to my very own Easter basket complete with this cool wine cork picture that's gonna hang in my dining room somewhere. Then when I got to work Jodi had set one up for me too, but Jen B and I both went looking cause nineteen eggs is a lot for one person to have and she didn't get to go Easter egg hunting. I won by one egg though. Well off to take the dogs for a walk and then as Casey says get cute and take pictures. hopefully I'll get the landscape and Easter up here soon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
See I knew it.
I told you it would be hard for me to keep up with this whole blogging thing. I was so proud of myself I did really good for like a week. Well lots of things have happend since I last wrote, like a whole two months worth of things. We've been doing lots of little projects on the house. We built stairs going down the hill of our backyard, that was quite a workout. My mom came to help us with that one and it's a good thing too, cause Casey and I would have totally messed up. We figured out why our backyard is such a mud hole too. Turns out the landscape guys put the wrong type of pipe in, so they bought us new pipe and we put it in. We also built a miny retaining wall to hopefully divert the water coming out of our neighbors drain pipe. We have an alarms system now, which I set off on like the second day of owning it. I made it all the way to the basement to take the dogs out and the stupid motion detector got me. Then I had to run all the way back upstairs to turn it off. It was not a good morning. We also hung a glass shelf in the powder room to hold smelly spray and tissues. The top of the toilet wasn't working to well because it curves, so things would fall off. We also finally got our picture that guests signed for our wedding behind a piece of glass and hung up. That was a source of great stress to Casey many a foul word was uttered until Jodi came to the rescue. I also finally got my diploma from nursing school framed only took me like 4 and a half years. That thing is huge too. I'll have to take a picture and post it later. Last but not least we have another book shelf in the office, it looks sooo good. Casey and I also joined a gym, I'm sooo excited about that!! I really missed going to the gym and I think my body did too. Even Casey admitted to being glad to be going back. We're currently trying to learn the ropes of our new digs find the cool spots to go and all that jazz. Ok so I don't know what picture I'm gonna post, we'll just have to see what strikes my fancy. Ok so this is from our honeymoon in the bahamas. We bought Sky Juice from a local and kept the coconuts to drink our drinks out of from the resort.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Back so soon....
This week was very productive for me and Casey. We did some research on decks under cover, so that hopefully we won't have any more mud colored dog episodes. We found two systems that might work okay, one at Home Depot and the other at Lowes still not sure which one is better. We also found a picture to go between the two curtains in the master bedroom at Kirklands. It's a great landscape old dock facing out onto a beautiful lake at sunset with mountains in the background. We also got the other valance so our breakfast nook now has a full set of valances. It's looking quite cute we just need a new breakfast table someday and paint on the walls. I tried out my new bike that i got back at Christmas time. I went with some friends at work to The Silver Comet Trail, and we rode about 10 1/2 miles. Now I know it may not sound very long but it totally kicked my butt, but I will admit I was very proud of myself. I also did my WII active =] So, all in all I had a a somewhat porductive workout week. I also got to hang out with a really good friend of mine I haven't seen since the wedding. We hung out, had lunch, she finally got to see my house all finished. It was a really nice end to my day. Casey and I are also going to be extending our under deck and adding a pathway to the backyard from the side yard. It's kind of a wet mess right now and we're hoping the pathway will help. Okay last milestone of the day I have officially entered the world of DVR I'm typing on the couch while watching a recorded episode of white collar. How cool am I!?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Boy do I have a weekend for you

As far as working weekends go, I feel that this one was was fairly eventful. It started on Friday with Gremlin hacking up some sort of dog loogie on our brand new duvet. So, at 6 something in the morning I'm running around my bedroom without my glasses trying to clean it up. Not my happy place. Needless to say my duvet cover has now officially been broken in and washed. Then I was so proud of myself because I had actually for once in my life timed dinner perfectly to when Casey usually got home from work, then he called and said he was gonna be late, so sad. Saturday and Sunday Casey and I both work so fairly uneventful there until we get home on Sunday night after the torrential downpour. Our yard is still somewhat of a work in progress since it's a new house and the sod hasn't quite had a chance to really start growing. However there is this one spot under the deck right next to our downstairs patio that is nothing but pine straw and georgia red clay. We've put a fence around it to try to keep the dogs out of it, well last night they found a way in. My tan and white dog was red and my red dog was light brown and there was mud everywhere. On the siding on the porch on the gutter everywhere. So, at midnight last night Casey and I are outside in the cold washing our mud monsters. It was a hoot we had them on leashes and they wanted nothing to do with that cold spray and were running around for all they were worth. Then we had to put them in the basement to dry off and they shook so much water out of them we had to set a fan up to dry out teh basement floor. Finally it go to be bedtime at 1:30 in the morning, but they were good puppies and when we told them to stay off the bed they did and slept on their puppy beds that we brought upstairs. Okay so for today's trot down memory lane I think I'm going to post an oldie but goodie. It's from my trip to Ireland with my family after college graduation. I didn't know Casey then of course but funny thing is we met shortly after because I started working at Wellstar.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rain Rain go away

I'm sooo tired of it raining. Our yard has this weird slope and whenever it rains it turns into a slip n slide which for some might be great for us not so much. Our dogs have to be cleaned every single time it rains, so for today they got to live in the garage. Gremlin did surprisingly well. One time we left him on the deck and he chewed our brand new door frame, so that began the list of things to fix in our brand new house. We finally bought the stuff we think we need to fix it today. We're gonna try to put a metal piece over the top and then paint over it. We're actually gonna do that to all the outdoor doorframes, just take aways temptation. My new bed was Wonderful!!!! We love having a king size bed, all three animals and us fit on the with tons of movable room. It was the best first night sleep on a new bed I've ever had. We went shopping today and our master bedroom really looks like a luxurious suite now. We added Asian style hand painted lamps from Bed Bath and Beyond and these gorgeous curtains. Casey is up there taking pictures now. We also found really cute curtains on sale at Sears for our breakfast nook, but we gotta go back and get one more. I tried to tell Casey I thought the middle window was bigger, but owell what can ya say men. So, the picture of the day is actually from my good friends Lindsay's Birthday. We went downtown to Shout and had drinks and tapas, but the best part of the whole night was that we all wore hot pink shoes, so that's what the picture is all about.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 3

Ok so I'm kinda proud of myself I've done this whole blogging thing for 3 straight days. Today was a rather exciting day for me and Casey we officially have a master suite and a guest bedroom. Technically right now all our bedrooms are guest bedrooms, but whenever we decide to have kids this room will stay the guest bedroom. So for all you married people who visit me you can actually sleep in the same bed now!!! I know amazing right? The guest room has my old furniture but pottery barn duvet cover and butterfly pictures that I took, it also has a tv and dvd player for those friends who come from different time zones. We spent yesterday reorganizing it so it doesn't look so much like a catch all room. The end effect is rather charming if I do say so myself, and I do. Once our 1 year they fix it if it's broke warranty is up, there will be paint on the walls too. Mine and Casey's bedroom is looking fabulous, we just need to get the rest of the curtains and the lamps we found at Bed bath and beyond. I can't wait to try out our new King size bed. I love moving up in the adult world. Our room has a very Asian feel, it's quite cozy, and all the delivery guys today we're great. I love American Home showplace. everybody needs to go to Dalton to visit this store. So today's post is going to have a couple of pictures some from the guest and master bedroom, and the other is the next big event of 2009. Which happens to be Casey graduating from nursing school. Have fun looking!!
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