Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fabulously Delicious

Okay so today I tried my hand at Risotto for the first time and I must say it came out sooo super delicious I actually pulled a Giada and mmmed after my food. It was that good!! I'm rather impressed with myself. Well our house is almost officially a year old. It's been a year since we signed paperwork to begin building the house. It's so funny how time goes by so quickly. I mean in like two months Casey and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary. It's crazy to think we've been married a whole year, and we made it without a single casualty. So amazing, I thank God everyday for making Casey cause it's kinda hard to picture life without him now. Ahhh sappy moment. Okay all better now. Casey and I are continuing to add new things to our house. We keep saying we should hold off because before long it's gonna be time to paint and we're gonna have to move all that stuff. So far the only place we listened to our own advice on that has been in the dining room. Our newest additions include a foyer table, lamp and heirloom nick nacks from great grandparents. It looks oober nice if I do say so myself. I've decided that I could have a lot of fun helping people decorate their homes. I would never want to be a designer because I would need owner input, but I can definetely help. Casey and I are slowly getting more and more organized too, I think we've finally come up with a good system to pay bills. I accidentally forgot one last month and so had to come up with a new way to set up bill reminders. On a side note my neighbors kids are so darn cute the youngest one is in a super dress up outfit being pulled by her dad in the wagon and the second youngest in learning to ride his bike with training wheels. Sooo stinking cute. Casey and I have also put pictures of us all dressed up in our closet in fun primary color frames. And I reorganized my shoes cause Casey was teasing me about them I might need to go take a picture and post it so you can see. Okay so these pics are the newest additions to our house and of course one random one. I just don't know which. I will try to be better about posting again soon.

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