Thursday, April 15, 2010

i hit the bee with my shoe!!

Well today was a minorly productive day. Casey and I tried to transplant some bushes we saved but ran into a snag when we discovered the builders had buried a pipe where we wanted to dig, so then we tried to come up with a plan B but nothing was quite working out, so we stopped that and moved onto walking the dogs. If any of you missed being outside today let me tell you it was a gorgeous day. Full of sunshine and just enough breeze to keep ya cool. After that I finally balanced the checkbook, it had gotten so bad I actually had to set it up in order of days, not my happy place. Then came the fun part of our day. The Rainaway man came to talk to us about installing our undercover system so casey and I will not have another one am cleaning of the dogs cause they look like georgia red clay walking on four legs. So, while he and Casey and discussing and measuring and doing the manly man thing I'm watching the durn carpenter bees and that's when I see him. One of those durn bees trying to burrow a hole in my deck!! Well me being me I ask him to stop nicely I even gave him three chances to stop and when he didn't I pegged him with my shoe!! Pow right in the kisser!! Quite a good shot if you ask me. Well that's just the beginning of the action, but the end of my masterful shoe aiming. I found at least two more trying to dig holes in my wood couldn't hit a one of them, but the nice rainaway man killed the other one it was easier for him though being 6'4". Then it was off to a very successful shopping trip which made us a shovel, hoe, pruning shears, rake and fire wood storage box richer. Oh, and we may soon be the owners of a chocolate fountain!! Can we say yum?! But for now it's time to watch my dogs and casey toy with eachother. Casey is currently having a grand old time taking random pictures of all the animals with his new camera. Ok so pictures going up today are from Easter where you will finally understand the meaning of bright ( my dress is super yellow, I looked like a freaking sunbeam on Easter at church cause everyone else in orchestra was dressed in pastels) and our new landscaping.

1 comment:

  1. you are braver than I am for kicking that bee! (I know they don't sting, but still) and I can totally picture you asking the Bee nicely to stop before you pummeled it with your shoe lol
