Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Someone reads this!!

Okay so I discoved people really do read my blog!!! Such an encouragement to me!! Well we officially have some georgous landscaping and we have more curtains inside the house!!! It's slowly looking like a home. Although I must tell you it is super hard not to want to do it all at once. We had our second official party at our new house, it was quite a success if I do say so myself. I finally got to use all my cute serving stuff that I got from the wedding. I have decided however that after the could have been disastorous flame broiled frozen bubba burgers, I will be spurgling on real meat for my sister in laws graduation party. Casey so would have burnt down the house had his friend jeff not been there to save the grease burgers. I wonder is bubba burgers are what Krystal's uses as well? Casey is officially 27 years old ( such an old man right?) and is loving all his new toys, we're gonna take the dogs for a walk and then get cute and take pictures with our lovely landscaping. Which by the way not as easy as it looks. We had to rent a tiller just to break up all that georgia red clay. If I were a cool person I would have had photos of the whole process, but I'm not. So, a couple of pounds of concrete, large sticks and other building debri we have a very cute front garden. Now the real question is did I inherit my grandparents green thumb? Gremlin and Cinnamon were quite distressed over our graden antics, so much so that gremlin found the hole in our fence where the pipe was supposed to run and made that his official watching spot. Only problem is now he's made the hole bigger and can squeeze more than his cute little nose out of it. Other new things include our extended concrete pad, a new glider cause Casey adn I couldn't decide where to hang a swing, and fun outdoor decorations. We truly have the most colorful porch and lawn ever, it's the greatest. Our future outdoor endevours include stairs decks under cover a screen porch and planting our half dead but saved bushes. Oh yeah and we also have a new kitchen table!! Apparently it messes with Casey's something to have a rickety mismatched kitchen table. Casey and I also celebrated our first Easter together as a married couple. We each got new outfits that made us look like brightly colored Easter eggs and went to church and then on to work. I even got to have my annual jelly bean hunt which is like a tradition in the Martin family. Casey made a little trail for me at the house that led to my very own Easter basket complete with this cool wine cork picture that's gonna hang in my dining room somewhere. Then when I got to work Jodi had set one up for me too, but Jen B and I both went looking cause nineteen eggs is a lot for one person to have and she didn't get to go Easter egg hunting. I won by one egg though. Well off to take the dogs for a walk and then as Casey says get cute and take pictures. hopefully I'll get the landscape and Easter up here soon.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I can unfortunately say from experience that casey has a knack for catching food on fire.

    and I LOVE your new garden! especially all the cute, colorful daisys (daisies?).

