Tuesday, March 16, 2010

See I knew it.

I told you it would be hard for me to keep up with this whole blogging thing. I was so proud of myself I did really good for like a week. Well lots of things have happend since I last wrote, like a whole two months worth of things. We've been doing lots of little projects on the house. We built stairs going down the hill of our backyard, that was quite a workout. My mom came to help us with that one and it's a good thing too, cause Casey and I would have totally messed up. We figured out why our backyard is such a mud hole too. Turns out the landscape guys put the wrong type of pipe in, so they bought us new pipe and we put it in. We also built a miny retaining wall to hopefully divert the water coming out of our neighbors drain pipe. We have an alarms system now, which I set off on like the second day of owning it. I made it all the way to the basement to take the dogs out and the stupid motion detector got me. Then I had to run all the way back upstairs to turn it off. It was not a good morning. We also hung a glass shelf in the powder room to hold smelly spray and tissues. The top of the toilet wasn't working to well because it curves, so things would fall off. We also finally got our picture that guests signed for our wedding behind a piece of glass and hung up. That was a source of great stress to Casey many a foul word was uttered until Jodi came to the rescue. I also finally got my diploma from nursing school framed only took me like 4 and a half years. That thing is huge too. I'll have to take a picture and post it later. Last but not least we have another book shelf in the office, it looks sooo good. Casey and I also joined a gym, I'm sooo excited about that!! I really missed going to the gym and I think my body did too. Even Casey admitted to being glad to be going back. We're currently trying to learn the ropes of our new digs find the cool spots to go and all that jazz. Ok so I don't know what picture I'm gonna post, we'll just have to see what strikes my fancy. Ok so this is from our honeymoon in the bahamas. We bought Sky Juice from a local and kept the coconuts to drink our drinks out of from the resort.

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