Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm a sneaky macsneakster who's stuck in her house.

Okay, so today I'm home alone cause Casey's at work. Not the worst thing in the world except I can't go anywhere! The men who are putting in our stairs are here and at first it was only their lumber blocking my car in, no biggie eventually that would all be used, but now they have also parked their car in my driveway behind the lumber so I am well and truly stuck here. Looks like the dogs and I will be taking multiple walks so they can do their doggie business and so I can get out of the house, cause otherwise I will be a bad girl and munch cause I'm bored. However, I am keeping myself entertained by taking pictures of the stairs as they are being put together, pictures will be up soon. So, Casey and I had our first taste of what married life would be like if we worked opposite schedules, not so much fun. We're trying to work extra when they need us cause come summer he'll be able to continue to pick up extra days, but me not so much. Peds ER kinda slows down in the summer due to vacations and such. So, I worked Tuesday and Thursday extra and he worked Wednesday and Friday extra. I did however manage to cook for us every night I worked though, how's that for forethought and planning? Casey and I are trying to be better about eating out cause we both want to save money and we need to start being healthier too. I already told him that when we're ready to have kids I need to be as healthy as possible and right now not feeling it so much. Well I finally caved in to Casey's want of HD. We are getting this product called Rainaway which will make our lower deck water tight but the Directv receiver has to be moved so Casey was all like we might as well upgrade if they're gonna charge us to come out and move it and everyone says our tv is wasted if we don't get HD. So, me being me I caved under the husband pressure. I hope it doesn't give me a headache though. Oh yeah I almost forgot I am almost the proud owner of UGA sunglasses my cousing found them for me at some little shop she goes too. She sent me a pic from her Iphone I just don't know how to post it here, but let me tell you they are sooooo cute. Okay so for today's pictures I'm gonna post progress on the stairs and Sugar trying to help Casey hang a ceiling fan, and maybe something else.

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