Monday, January 25, 2010

Boy do I have a weekend for you

As far as working weekends go, I feel that this one was was fairly eventful. It started on Friday with Gremlin hacking up some sort of dog loogie on our brand new duvet. So, at 6 something in the morning I'm running around my bedroom without my glasses trying to clean it up. Not my happy place. Needless to say my duvet cover has now officially been broken in and washed. Then I was so proud of myself because I had actually for once in my life timed dinner perfectly to when Casey usually got home from work, then he called and said he was gonna be late, so sad. Saturday and Sunday Casey and I both work so fairly uneventful there until we get home on Sunday night after the torrential downpour. Our yard is still somewhat of a work in progress since it's a new house and the sod hasn't quite had a chance to really start growing. However there is this one spot under the deck right next to our downstairs patio that is nothing but pine straw and georgia red clay. We've put a fence around it to try to keep the dogs out of it, well last night they found a way in. My tan and white dog was red and my red dog was light brown and there was mud everywhere. On the siding on the porch on the gutter everywhere. So, at midnight last night Casey and I are outside in the cold washing our mud monsters. It was a hoot we had them on leashes and they wanted nothing to do with that cold spray and were running around for all they were worth. Then we had to put them in the basement to dry off and they shook so much water out of them we had to set a fan up to dry out teh basement floor. Finally it go to be bedtime at 1:30 in the morning, but they were good puppies and when we told them to stay off the bed they did and slept on their puppy beds that we brought upstairs. Okay so for today's trot down memory lane I think I'm going to post an oldie but goodie. It's from my trip to Ireland with my family after college graduation. I didn't know Casey then of course but funny thing is we met shortly after because I started working at Wellstar.

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