Friday, May 31, 2013

An adult day!!

So Thursday Casey and I went on our first official post baby date!!! I know, I know so very long overdue , but what's a gal to do ya know?  We didn't even have to pay for our evening out!! It was free courtesy of our lovely employer and Casey being nominated for an award. So, for an entire evening we were just two adults dressed up and having fun.  My mom stayed with the bug and said he did great, we were worried about a meltdown because it was going to be his first night going to bed with a bottle.  Mom said he whimpered and kept giving her looks of this isn't right, but he did it and fell asleep and slept basically the whole night!!! Amazing yes I know, granted it did result in me having to pump but so did our night out.  There was a definite difference in how the girls filled out the dress in the beginning and how they looked at the end.  I'm so thankful that Casey and I have parents we can trust with our little bug.  Being nurses our schedules don't really coincide with day care hours, so it's nice to have people we trust to help us out.  That being said Casey and I are now looking forward to future successful date nights.  Next big hurdle, four month shots and a car ride to Florida.  Say some prayers people this is going to be exciting!!

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