Monday, May 6, 2013

12 weeks vs 3 months

So when people ask me how old the bug is I say three months because to me he is. Well, I've been corrected multiple times by my parents that he's 12 weeks not three months. Apparently he won't be 3 months till may 11. Who knew right? So for now little man is 12 weeks almost 3 months. He was sleeping through the night, from about 830 -930 all the way to 600-630 in the morning!! I was amazed the first time he did it, then I was excited the second time, and hopeful the third that this would be the new trend. Alas, it was not to be, he's started waking up again around 330 am and up around 7-730 for the day. Although, truthfully it doesn't matter I still wake up multiple times a night to check on him. I'm getting better though, I'm sure as he gets older and reaches more milestones such as rolling over and such I'll become better at sleeping again. He's now officially in size 2 diapers and is working on holding his head up like a champ. He loves percussive type noises, and smiles so much more frequently. He is however somewhat shy of people he doesn't see all the time, this includes my parents. So, we are going to start putting him in the church nursery on Sunday to help socialize him, we are also working on getting him to take a bottle. I'm still plugging along with breast feeding, but he needs to be able to take a bottle for when I got back to work. We think he might officially have his first cold too. He's sniffly and has this dry cough poor kid. Maybe once this passes he'll go back to sleeping for longer stretches who knows. I also am becoming a little unhappy with my mom body but haven't broken down and gone to the gym. I talk about going, just haven't gone yet. In other bug news he likes listening to us reading books, and while he won't scoot when he's awake and on his tummy he scoots across his crib at night. So without further ado bug's newest pics.

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