Thursday, April 18, 2013

2 months!!

So the bug is two months!! He's changed so much in those two months, yet he still looks like that scrawny little person I gave birth too. He currently ways a whopping 12.12 pounds, has a head circumference of 16 in and is 22in long. Essentially he's a short fat kid lol. But he's more than doubled his birth weight which the doctor seems really impressed with. He's becoming a happier baby, he still has his moments where I'm like really kid? But they're becoming less and less. He smiles more now, and makes noises all the time whether he's awake or asleep. We've left him sleeping on his belly, which I'm becoming better about, but there's still that scary aspect. The mom in me is ok with it because my child sleeps, the nurse in me just keeps thinking about all the horror I've seen working in the ER. But then again it's like what Casey says whatever The Lord has planned for our son will happen so I might as well relax and see what He has in store for my son. He still loves his naps, and being snuggled. We're reading books to him and trying to make sure he has tummy time and squiggle time. We go on walks in our stroller and I can't wait till I can take his blanket outside and let him play in the front yard. He loves music and being with people, but it has to be real music not that squeaky stuff that every baby toy plays. He loves windows and his swing, and he loves eating LOL. People keep telling me to treasure the moments when he's little, but I gotta say I'm excited for him to get bigger, I just can't wait to see what happens next.

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