Monday, May 26, 2014

The day to day

Sometimes I get so busy trying to capture the big moments in my sons life I forget to pay attention to the small moments the everyday moments.  Like the way he reaches out his hand for me to hold it even if it's just to walk around in a circle in our house, or how he laughs whenever you rub your head on his belly.  I don't want to be that mom who's so busy trying to capture the big moments in my sons life that I forget to enjoy and memorize the everyday moments.  I've been trying to leave my phone places where it's not constantly in reach, so that I can be more in the moment with my son so that our memories are in my brain. Not just on my phone which could blow up at any moment.  It's hard though I find I have to just leave my phone by my bed and just not touch it.  We've become such a technological people we've forgotten what it's like to just sit back and just watch.  Watch the wonder and amazement that crosses your sons face when the breeze blows his hair, or when a bird chirps as it eats from the feeder.  So today I'm going to enjoy the mundane and the everyday.

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