Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day gifts

So this year Mother's Day fell on my son's fifteen month birthday, which in and of itself was a pretty cool gift. My husband however true to form had other tidbits up his sleeve. Mother's Day always falls on a Sunday which until I became a mother was no big deal. I was happy to work it so that other mothers could be off and enjoy their day. Well now it's my day and I found myself kind of sad leaving my boys to do things while I went to work. So, imagine my surprise when I look up from doing something at work and their stood my husband!!!! Then I look down and the best gift ever peeks his head around the corner in the form of my little boy holding a balloon he picked himself and a single red rose. He saw me I saw him and his face just lit up like a million little fallen stars, and off he toddles toward me hands in the air booking it for all he's worth right into my arms for a big hug. That memory is one of the best I have so far of mine and little man's time together. It was just that perfect moment when you realize just how great being a mom is, and not just any mom his mom. It's that moment I want to be able to remember forever. Even when I'm old and gray I pray the Lord will let me hold onto that one memory if no other. Memories are precious in my family, we watched my grandmother have her memories ripped away one by one due to alzheimer's and everyday I wonder will I get to remember these days with my son??? I hope I do I hope I remember every little thing if not in clear detail in that hazy way some memories start. With fuzzy details and faces that become clearer and clearer until you find yourself standing there just remembering. But if nothing else I pray I am left with that one moment in time when that little body leaned around the corner holding a balloon and a single red rose and nothing shone brighter then his smile when he realized that I, his mom, was sitting there arms outstretched just waiting for him. That moment there was no camera no pictures no distractions just me and my little boy and a love bigger than any I could have dreamt about.

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