Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial Day

Every year boating season kicks off on Memorial Day for our family! This year held special meaning as we not only celebrated the men and women who have fought and died for the family, but watched our son enjoying his boat day thanks to those same men and women.  Noah was dressed for the occasion of course, I love putting him in his summer rompers.  I've always felt that dressing up for the holidays is important, part of me feels like it helps people to remember why we celebrate if they see my quintessential little American boy with his blond hair and blue eyes strutting his red white and blue. As Noah gets older I want him to have an understanding of why we celebrate holidays, and to always remember the men and women behind those holidays.  This includes many of his relatives, and while none may have given their lives for my sons freedom most led lives affected by the times they went through.  So in honor of the men and women who fight so bravely for my sons freedom, here he is learning to enjoy that freedom.

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