Friday, May 31, 2013

An adult day!!

So Thursday Casey and I went on our first official post baby date!!! I know, I know so very long overdue , but what's a gal to do ya know?  We didn't even have to pay for our evening out!! It was free courtesy of our lovely employer and Casey being nominated for an award. So, for an entire evening we were just two adults dressed up and having fun.  My mom stayed with the bug and said he did great, we were worried about a meltdown because it was going to be his first night going to bed with a bottle.  Mom said he whimpered and kept giving her looks of this isn't right, but he did it and fell asleep and slept basically the whole night!!! Amazing yes I know, granted it did result in me having to pump but so did our night out.  There was a definite difference in how the girls filled out the dress in the beginning and how they looked at the end.  I'm so thankful that Casey and I have parents we can trust with our little bug.  Being nurses our schedules don't really coincide with day care hours, so it's nice to have people we trust to help us out.  That being said Casey and I are now looking forward to future successful date nights.  Next big hurdle, four month shots and a car ride to Florida.  Say some prayers people this is going to be exciting!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things no one tells you

Ok, so in this adventure called motherhood I've learned a few things, probably not as many as other moms who've been doing it longer, but here goes.  Your boobs may not go back to their normal size no matter what people say.  You will need a new bathing suit top, but count yourself lucky if you don't need new bottoms.  Whatever ideas you had of your maternity leave being a time where you can work on that banging mommy body forget it, because your child will wake up the minute you start and Zumba via the wii with your child is only so cool for so long.  Also, your child will not only have toe jam but finger jam as well, and if your baby is slightly chunky with some rolls you can expect both knee and arm pit jam as well.  I'm pretty sure I could feed a third world country with the amount of jam I've found  in between my sons crevices.  Do not make any plans they will be thrown asunder the moment they enter your head.  Plan to fly by the seat of your pants as soon as your wee one is happy go!! Because that happy baby can become unhappy at any moment, and be prepared to leave when that happens.  If you breast feed get used to having to feed anywhere whether it be an actual mothers lounge (so NICE!!), a toilet seat ( not so nice!), the back or front seat of a car, or in public by the pool under your cover.  The girls as we like to call them are no longer yours to make your favorite outfit look cute.  They exist solely to provide sustenance to your little person whenever they decide they need it.  There is not a one size fits all baby carrier, at least not for my little man. He fit great in the carrier as a newborn, not so much as a 3 almost 4 month old, his legs are to short, so be prepared to have multiples of things even if you think that's silly.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Boat days and summer breezes

My sone smells like sunshine today.  I've decided I love the smell of sunshine on my baby.  With the weather getting warmer comes one of mine and Casey's favorite things boat days!! My parents bought a house boat few years back and Casey and I love to take advantage of a good boat day such as today.  We don't get them very often working weekends so we've decided to take full advantage of my maternity leave and squeeze in as many as possible.  Plus, we want the bug to become a boat/water bug.  Today was his second trip out on the boat, but we're gonna call it his first real boat ride cause he mainly slept through the other one.  This one he was more awake for, and much more playful.  He had squiggle time on the top deck in a lounger, helped the cap'n drive the boat, had squiggle time below deck, and even took a good nap on said lounger!! All in all it was a wonderful day, full of sunshine breezes, laughter and family.  A better day couldn't have been had and I feel very blessed to be able to do this, and have a child who will be able to do this long after me. On a totally different note we have have found the answer to the screaming in the cars eat dilemma.  It was very hard for me to go places because I hate listening to my son scream bloody murder, it's just not my happy place.  So, this most recent time traveling to dalton I had covered him with a blanket because it was chilly that morning.  We always start our travels asleep, but invariably we wake up usually before we even make to the interstate.  So, as usual he woke up, but lo and behold we made it to dalton without a single scream.  How you ask, the blanket!! He just played with it the whole ride, chewed on it, threw it around with his feet it was amazing!! Well I can't cover him with a blanket all summer, enter the taggie blanket!! An amazing invention.  My mom made him one and he just grabs it and chews it and just smiles and drools as we drive down the road.  He also like music with a good beat and the redcoat band playing glory, glory Dixieland, he loves the trombone solo.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The fluffy cow dilemma

So, yesterday I had a moment of emotional turmoil. Noah was being cranky and weird about nursing, and I needed to go to the grocery store so I could attempt to be a wife and make dinner this week.  I also have been feeling very fluffy lately and the scale seems to agree with me.  Apparently like everything else in my life nursing is only going to get me so far in my weight loss story.  So, yesterday I was dirty cranky and fluffy, and due to my son being weird about nursing feeling like a cow.  So, I had a mini meltdown/cry fest on my way to Kroger, which then meant I had to pull myself together so I could shop.  I was also having a mini pity party at the fact that if Casey wants to leave the house he's free to do so.  Me, I have to watch the clock and hope I'm back before Noah has a meltdown, or Casey's at work and I'm doing it all by myself, all the feedings diapers and meltdowns.  And Noah loves to meltdown in the car Casey says to just let him cry however Casey hasn't seen one of Noah's full blown fits. He hasn't heard the blood curdling screams that lead to vomiting, or breath holding which startles him and starts everything all over. Needless to say its not pretty.  Now please don't think I don't love being a mom because I do, I just miss by myself time.  Casey I think has a hard time understanding because as of right now his life isn't as affected by Noah as much as mine is.  At least not yet lol.  However, on an up note I'm working on the feeling fluffy bit.  I'm trying to track calories and really trying to do some sort of workout everyday.  Yesterday Noah took a great nap and let me Zumba with the wii for 45 minutes!! It was great!  So, to end I'm not a perfect mom and I haven't reached the I love my new life stage yet, but I'm getting there.  I think my biggest problem is I hate being in charge having full responsibility for someone, it's one of the reasons why I decided to not be a nurse practitioner.  Making all those decisions and deciding a final diagnosis, what happens if I was wrong and then they got worse?  So yea I have issues what can I say? But I do love this little face I helped create.

My first Mother's Day!!

Ok so can you tell my son is taking a nap?  Lol therefore I'm playing catch up instead of folding clothes and switching out the laundry.  As I said previously Noah turned 3 months the day before Mother's Day which in and of itself was an amazing first Mother's Day gift.  Mother's Day itself was pretty amazing too, I didn't sleep in or have breakfast in bed, there was no trip to the spa, or dinner out, or a day where I have to do nothing for anyone.  Unfortunately those things will have to wait for future Mother's Day, being a breast feeding mom requires I stick pretty close to the bug.  However, that being said my first Mother's Day was amazing, for the simple fact that I am a mother, and no one will be as good at being Noah's mother as I will.  Our Sunday started with church and the baby dedication such a special time.  Growing up Presbyterian it's a different watching how things are done in a baptist church, like as a Presbyterian Noah would have been sprinkled as a baby and then dedicated his life to God whenever he was ready but there would have been no pomp and circumstance.  As a baptist there was a baby dedication and both parents and congregation made promises to grow these children up in The Lord, but Noah will not be officially baptized until he makes a commitment to Christ as a child or teenager.  It was such a special moment standing up there with all the other families including five families from our life group and pledging to help our children know Christ.  Noah even had a special outfit made by my mom.  It was a little sailor suit, and I must say he was quite spectacular in it.  After church we spent the day with family and playing one of my all time favorite games as a child dark tower!! Such great memories that game holds for me,  mom, dad and I made all the noises with the game while Casey looked on in either awe or wonderment at the crazy family he married into not sure which.  So my first Mother's Day was filled with memories both new and old, lots of pictures and lots of love. A mom couldn't ask for anything else.

3 months!

Well really it's 3 1/2 months I'm a little behind, but since it seems in the greater scheme of things I seem to be doing pretty good with this whole blog thing we're gonna go with it.  Noah's true 3 month birthday was the day before Mother's Day.  Pretty amazing if you ask me.  It's strange sometimes to look at him and realize how much he's changed while still staying just the same.  I still see that scrawny little man who decided to pull his plug early just to see his parents. Granted, that little person now has rolls and a double chin to make Santa jealous, but he's still my little glow worm.  He's in size two diapers now, and three month clothing, he does nothing quietly, and he has the best smiley face.  He laughs with his face instead of his voice and makes the same face every time he poops.  It's priceless.  He LOVES his fingers, snuggling with mommy and daddy and grabbing at things.   He's working on scooting around and trying to roll over.  His forehead gets this little wrinkle in it every time he picks his head up.  Some days he loves tummy time other days he hates it.  He's become quite nosy and has started fighting his naps.  Makes for a stressful time when trying to get him to sleep, but ya know it is what it is.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

12 weeks vs 3 months

So when people ask me how old the bug is I say three months because to me he is. Well, I've been corrected multiple times by my parents that he's 12 weeks not three months. Apparently he won't be 3 months till may 11. Who knew right? So for now little man is 12 weeks almost 3 months. He was sleeping through the night, from about 830 -930 all the way to 600-630 in the morning!! I was amazed the first time he did it, then I was excited the second time, and hopeful the third that this would be the new trend. Alas, it was not to be, he's started waking up again around 330 am and up around 7-730 for the day. Although, truthfully it doesn't matter I still wake up multiple times a night to check on him. I'm getting better though, I'm sure as he gets older and reaches more milestones such as rolling over and such I'll become better at sleeping again. He's now officially in size 2 diapers and is working on holding his head up like a champ. He loves percussive type noises, and smiles so much more frequently. He is however somewhat shy of people he doesn't see all the time, this includes my parents. So, we are going to start putting him in the church nursery on Sunday to help socialize him, we are also working on getting him to take a bottle. I'm still plugging along with breast feeding, but he needs to be able to take a bottle for when I got back to work. We think he might officially have his first cold too. He's sniffly and has this dry cough poor kid. Maybe once this passes he'll go back to sleeping for longer stretches who knows. I also am becoming a little unhappy with my mom body but haven't broken down and gone to the gym. I talk about going, just haven't gone yet. In other bug news he likes listening to us reading books, and while he won't scoot when he's awake and on his tummy he scoots across his crib at night. So without further ado bug's newest pics.