Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Adventures in Boo Bearing

So, we got a new kitten back in January which you will hear more about when I finally get around to catching everyone up on the previous months, but for now we have a new kitten. His name is Boo and he causes me unwarranted stress and frustration, and he is a big sissy. This cat is scared of everything it's so weird cause he was a stray when we found him, but I have no idea how he lasted his six months of life before we got him. Anyways he likes to try and be a big boy and go outside and since we want him to know what his smells like and where it is we let him. Well Monday he had gone in and out of the back door pretty much anytime it was open but he would come back only to go right back out again if I didn't shut the door fast enough. It's dinnertime and he's out again only neither Casey or I are really paying that much attention to the fact that he's out because I'm cooking and Casey and watching tv/playing on the laptop. Dinner is made and we are headed outside to eat, we had just taken two bites when the rain hits. We rush back inside with our food count the animals and we come up one short, Boo is not there. I begin the futile search inside the house just in case even though I know he is outside, while Casey goes down to the bottom porch where he likes to lay sometimes only to find he isn't there. Now we are stuck waiting and hoping he comes home ( you'll learn why I say this when we make it to February). All the next door neighbor kids are oustide playing in the drizzle when I hear the door bell ring, it's the second to youngest saying he saw our cat, yay brilliant!! Casey and I dash out there to try to get him, with all the neighbor kids following. We see Boo so do the kids and they want to help, not good Boo gets very skittish around massive amounts of people, then just as Casey thinks he might have him BAM!! the kid with a baseball hat and bat comes screaching around the corner and Boo dashes off around the other way. I go back up the hill and around Casey goes around the backside of our fence and all the kids swarm around trying to help us catch Boo. Which sends Boo into the forest soaking wet instead of over the fence he was just meowing at pitifully. His jumper is not the best in the world. So now we are waiting again and have decided we will just go to the gym, put the dogs outside and maybe he'll smell them and decide to make his merry way back. While at the gym a mini torrential downpour happens in which Casey and I look at each other shrug and go back to working out each hoping Boo will be home when we get home. Upon our arrival no such luck however you can now hear the little jingle jangle of his collar, which means he's close by!!! Here ensues our chase scene in which Casey and I trudge through wet and wild green undergrowth chasing the jingle jangle of a cat collar, who apparently now thinks this is some sort of game and chooses to blatantly ignore us. Like literally we see him we're calling oh so sweetly he turns looks flicks his tail as us and continues on his merry way. Well in my world that is like issuing a challenge and I'm in full blown I will get you mode, which I did two tree stumps , a hole, and jump across a creek later the wet brat is in my hands!!! Now to get back home in the dark holding a wet cat. Well Casey and I played marco polo for a while, apparently he can't see flashlight who knew?! LOL actually I don't know that I just know I had a flashlight and he still couldn't find me. Once we're back together it takes us another twenty mintues to navigate the crazy wet undergrowth and make our way around a gigantic fallen tree before finally seeing the lights of home. Needless to say I think Boo is permanently grounded or he will learn how to wear a harness and a leash. Now Casey and are just waiting to see if we wandered through mass amounts of poison ivy and if so how much like monsters are we going to look like.

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