Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ok lets see if I can squeeze out a quick post about what happened in November before heading to bed. Since we didn't really go anywhere for our official one year anniversary we decided to treat ourselvese to a trip to New York, although after getting vince Dooley to sign a picture wishing us a happy Anniversary we could've just stayed home LOL. I mean that is pretty awesome and one of a kind kinda experience, but to New York we went because I hadn't been since high school and Casey has always wanted to go. I found hotel and tickets at a deal through one of those websites and then tacked on a New York City pass ( best money ever spent!!) Everyone continually warned us about New York and how dangerous it was and all this hullabaloo, which by the way is soo not true. There are way to many people wandering around all the time for it to be dangerous. So we land at La Gardia and stand in the taxi line, while waiting this couple talks us into sharing a cab, big mistake. Apparently according to the now angry cab driver the couple made him go a totally different way then he would have to get us to our hotel taking up precious time that he could be using to drive other people around. Then he and Casey chatted it up about everything that is wrong with this world, while all I could think was Lord get me out of here I would rather walk. ( I get nauseous when I'm hungry and there's a lot of stopping and starting and let me tell you in New York traffic there is a lot of stopping and starting.) Our first day is spent just wandering around getting our bearings and figuring out how to get our seven day subway pass. Then we ate dinner at a restaurant that brews it's own beer and meandered all the way to Radio City. My feet were killing me I thought I had bought these great walking boots, so I could be practical and stylish yea not so much, I wound up just wearing my ugly workout shoes and dealing with it. Day two was spent picking up our pass and visiting the wax museum, we then hiked it across Central Park to head towards the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which was not open. Again I hadn't quite figured out the whole shoe thing we my little keds tennis shoes yea Katie totally walked around Central Park for a while in her socks. there is even a picture of me sitting by that fountain that is in Home Alone with just my socks on. It took us two days to learn to navigate the subway, and by then we figured we could just walk most of it. We did however see a show, ride the circle line, eat a hot dog or two from a street vendor, visit the apple store and FAO Schwartz, sit in Times Square just people watching, get lost many times ( smart phone GPS doesn't work when the buildings block everything) , did Rockafellar, Empire State building, 9/11 memorial, and shopped. We also visited Macy's multiple times and Casey wants to go back again closer to Christmas to see all the stuff lit up, that was still going up when we were there. All in all it was a completely fabulous trip and no scariness involved although I could have cried everytime I passed a homeless person. They just sat there hoping, one lady had her dog with her and that pooch looked so forlorn and sad I literally did get teary eyed. They were so different from the homeless people here in Georgia they beg plead and even get angry, New York homeless not so much, a lot of the times the cops knew them and would talk to them about how they were doing.

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