Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To tired to function

I promise I will eventually make it to the current year and month, but I gotta get there. Although I must tell you about a little recent tid bit. I have learned something this weekend, I know now that it is possible to be so tired that you cannot remember where you parked your car. On a normal day I'm usually pretty good about remembering in what general direction my car is parked in, Sunday was an epic fail. Granted I had been up since 730 am to go to church then went to work, were we got our butts kicked and finally left work at midnight. Where I promptly proceeded to walk to the deck where my car is usually parked. When I get there my car is not there, so I wander around the general area where my car should be, not there. So, I of course start muttering to myself outloud while bending down and sideways looking for my car. I then start to get upset thinking security has moved my car why I think this who knows, it's midnight people. Then I think maybe I walked directly across the bridge did I do that yes yes I think I did. So, I go up one more level, no car by now I'm like great where the devil is my car, I'm standing there turning in circles when all of a sudden it dawns on me I got lucky this morning and got to park by the helipad !! I whip around and there shining in all its newly cleansedness is my big blue!!! Now mind you I had to walk past my car to get to the deck. I probably even looked at it on my way by, cause I always scout the parking lot just in case some crazy person decides to try to get me. (Wouldn't happen though everyone always says they'd bring me back.) I bustle over to my car hop in and buzz my way home, finally at one am I'm in bed on my way to never never land. Apparently per my husband I didn't move when he gave me a goodbye kiss the next morning, and peeps let me tell you that rarely happens. So to leave you I'm going to show you Sugar my cats preferred method of sleeping only because he is currently sleeping in this position, such a boy.

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