Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!!! A day and a half late

Happy Easter everyone!! I know I'm late again, but what can I say it's genetic. None of my family is ever on time, so I've just learned to go with it. Plus, I kept hoping if I kept asking Casey if he'd downloaded our Easter pictures yet he would do it so I would have pictures to put up. He hasn't taken the hint yet, so as per usual pics will probably pop up later in some other post who knows. Back to the topic at hand though, Easter which this year equaled best Sunday ever!!! Since starting to work weekend option almost six years earlier I haven't had an Easter off in a while, so I kinda lose the excitment and specialness of the day, because my day is spent taking care of sick people or people who think they're sick instead of celebrating the risen Christ. Well this year I got to celebrate and man let me tell you it was a marathon of a day, but it was the best day ever!!! Casey and I started our day at 7 that morning, after going to bed at midnight, Casey waited up for me after work so we could celebrate our annual trail of jelly beans leading to the Easter basket. This has been a tradition in my family my whole life and it's now Casey's job to continue the tradition. My first year working though my mom called on my best coworkers Jodi and asked her to continue the tradition and she did. I came in to work that day a little sad because there would be no trail of jelly beans, or church or family time and low and behold we had a full blown Easter egg hunt on the unit!! Jodi has continued that every year when I show up at work and every night before Easter Casey does his trail and basket, it's a great new Easter tradition. But it was soo very nice to be able to revert back to the original tradition of going to church and actually staying the whole time!! I loved seeing all the people worshipping in both services and being so moved by what we were playing and singing that hands were raised and people stood up and cheered about Christ being raised from the dead. Sitting on the front stage of the church as an instrumentalist allows me the greatest view and my favorite thing of the day happened in second service. We were playing a song called in Christ Alone followed by End of the Beginning, both very powerful moving songs and I kept hearing this voice shout out periodically. Things like, " Yes Lord", and "Praise Jesus", were just a few. I still have to get used to this growing up Presbyterian we never seemed as free as Baptists do. Well I finally found the body that went with the voice and he was this darling old man sitting front and center in his wheelchair just listening to what was being played and sung. And as he was listening this look would come over his face as the music would rise and swell this look of utter excitement and wonderment, and his hands would be clasped in anitcipation of that moment when the music just burst forth and he couldn't contain himself any longer and he would just burst forth with praise. It was the most touching moment of the day brought tears to my eyes. From our church we headed up to Dalton and lunch with my family and Nana, then I had just enough time for a 45 minute nap after Easter pictures before I had to be at my parents church for band rehearsal for the Easter Cantata that night. Easter Cantata was at seven that evening and again it was another miraculous worship time. Every little thing that had gone wrong was fixed and it just became a time of worship and praise. We finished off our evening at Steak and Shake with the family and a couple from their bible study who are an absolute riot!! Then it was an hour long trek back home followed by unpacking feeding the dogs and crashing into bed around midnight. But at the end of the night it was still the best sunday off ever!! Ha ha pictures!!! I downloaded them to Casey's computer and then sent them to myself. I'm soo stinking cool.

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