Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Ok guys in an effort to get back into the blogging world I must go in time to catch everyone up with what has happened over the many months I have been absent. Casey is actually the person who brought this to my attention and the fact that I'm an utter failure apparently at being a blogger. But here goes the next few post will be a recap of the months gone by that I missed posting about. First things first, Casey and I have made it past the one year mark!! Exciting yes I know, well for us at least. We actually spent our anniversary in Athens, Ga because that next day was UGA's homecoming and that's kinda a tradition now, plus Casey and had no clue what to do for a one year anniversary. So, we drove up to Athens early had lunch downtown outside at five guys and generally just wandered around did a little shopping and then met up with my friend Joe and his wife Stacy at a bar downtown to watch the homecoming parade!! New experience for me actually watching a parade I've spent most of my life in parades as part of the band. I must admit though I really enjoyed being on the watching end, not having to wear a uniform, just hanging out drinking a beer and cheering. Afterwards we went to a little tapas place and had dinner, which was then followed by meeting up with my parents at the hotel where we had the official celebration. My mom brought down the top layer of our cake and mini champagne bottles too. Most hilarious part of the night watching everyone try to open the champagne bottles. My dad wound up circling his knife around and around the top of the bottle until he could finally pry the lid off. Saturday was the annual marathon event of getting up super early freezing to the point of hypothermia for morning practice a quick picnic lunch and then off the the field to entertain 98,000 of our closest friends. I love the alumni games though even when I was in college they were my favorite games, mainly because of the little old cheerleaders if there wool outfits who cheer, " get the ball, get the ball, get the damn ball!!" Haha because when they went to school it was ok to cuss. Of course Georgia smashed Vanderbilt and in true Katie and Casey style we came home with fabulous sunglass lines.

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