Monday, May 26, 2014

The day to day

Sometimes I get so busy trying to capture the big moments in my sons life I forget to pay attention to the small moments the everyday moments.  Like the way he reaches out his hand for me to hold it even if it's just to walk around in a circle in our house, or how he laughs whenever you rub your head on his belly.  I don't want to be that mom who's so busy trying to capture the big moments in my sons life that I forget to enjoy and memorize the everyday moments.  I've been trying to leave my phone places where it's not constantly in reach, so that I can be more in the moment with my son so that our memories are in my brain. Not just on my phone which could blow up at any moment.  It's hard though I find I have to just leave my phone by my bed and just not touch it.  We've become such a technological people we've forgotten what it's like to just sit back and just watch.  Watch the wonder and amazement that crosses your sons face when the breeze blows his hair, or when a bird chirps as it eats from the feeder.  So today I'm going to enjoy the mundane and the everyday.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day gifts

So this year Mother's Day fell on my son's fifteen month birthday, which in and of itself was a pretty cool gift. My husband however true to form had other tidbits up his sleeve. Mother's Day always falls on a Sunday which until I became a mother was no big deal. I was happy to work it so that other mothers could be off and enjoy their day. Well now it's my day and I found myself kind of sad leaving my boys to do things while I went to work. So, imagine my surprise when I look up from doing something at work and their stood my husband!!!! Then I look down and the best gift ever peeks his head around the corner in the form of my little boy holding a balloon he picked himself and a single red rose. He saw me I saw him and his face just lit up like a million little fallen stars, and off he toddles toward me hands in the air booking it for all he's worth right into my arms for a big hug. That memory is one of the best I have so far of mine and little man's time together. It was just that perfect moment when you realize just how great being a mom is, and not just any mom his mom. It's that moment I want to be able to remember forever. Even when I'm old and gray I pray the Lord will let me hold onto that one memory if no other. Memories are precious in my family, we watched my grandmother have her memories ripped away one by one due to alzheimer's and everyday I wonder will I get to remember these days with my son??? I hope I do I hope I remember every little thing if not in clear detail in that hazy way some memories start. With fuzzy details and faces that become clearer and clearer until you find yourself standing there just remembering. But if nothing else I pray I am left with that one moment in time when that little body leaned around the corner holding a balloon and a single red rose and nothing shone brighter then his smile when he realized that I, his mom, was sitting there arms outstretched just waiting for him. That moment there was no camera no pictures no distractions just me and my little boy and a love bigger than any I could have dreamt about.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's day is one of those days that growing up I never really understood. Now as a mother of just one I'm starting to grasp just why we should celebrate moms not just one day but every day. Being a mom is hard, so very very hard. I never realized all the things my mom probably gave up to be a mom to me and my brother until I became a mom. Now, I realize this sounds like I hate being a mom, but I don't I love being a mom because what I lost in being just Katie married to Casey I gained so much more in being Noah's mom. Everyone says there mom is the best, but here's what I know my mom was the best mom for me. As much as I sometimes wanted someone's else's mom to be mine, I wouldn't trade her now for anything. She was and still is the best mom for me. I don't think anyone else's mom would have done. So, do I think my mom is the all star of every mom out there probably not but she's my all star and right now that all that matters. And she's Noah's all star, somedays more so than I am, but I'm ok with that. I've learned in Noah's short 15 months that grandmother's have a certain status in their grandchildren's lives and I've come to realize it's a good thing. That status and love probably takes away all the little nicks and cracks we put in our momma's hearts growing up. I know I've broken my mom's heart a time or two and I'm sure noah will break my heart as well someday, I only hope and pray that I handle it with the grace and dignity my mom always presented to me.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Gone but not forgotten

In this technological day and age you can do almost anything via your phone computer or tablet, including updating said phone or tablet without ever having to to plug it up. Ahhh the joys and woes of the technological age. Moving on though since I don't have to hook my phone up to my computer to update it anymore I don't mainly because I hated my office area, it made me cringe and want light a match to it every time I walked in. So i just didn't go in, apparently for 8 months according to the apple store. My phone crashed burned and died Saturday and I about crashed burned and died with it when it finally sunk in it couldn't be saved. Eight months of Noah's life I thought I had lost in the form of a multitude of pictures and videos. I also realized that I was losing some important moments in his life and at least 3 holidays!!! To say I was devastated would be an understatement. However, all was not lost Casey and I had started remodeling our office to make it more functional and organized, two of my favorite words and the end result is awesome!!! So, even though I had to have a brand new phone I will not have any problem walking into my awesome office space to plug it up and download my photos and videos to my computer and external hard drive. Good news though while I may have lost a lot of videos my pictures did wind up in the iCloud, thank you apple!! And luckily most of my videos had been sent to other people and they had saved them because lets face it my son is pretty stinking cute, so I've got them back as well. Moral of the story keep your office organized and remember to plug your phone up to the computer at least once a month.

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail

So, I realize it's May and Easter was in April, but I found myself slacking on the blog once Noah hit one year, and now I'm trying to catch up. Currently Casey is deep in his online class so now's a good a time as any. Easter this year was soo very different than last year. I mean we did little gifts for Noah last year too, but this year we actually got some facial expressions and verbal response this year. Our morning started out with the jelly bean hunt that leads to the baskets. This is a tradition from my family and one that I love and wanted to continue, but instead of jelly beans we did trix because lets face it 8 teeth can only crush so much. We also put things like cheerios and goldfish in Noah's eggs as opposed to jelly beans and chocolate eggs. I actually may continue doing this as he gets older to hopefully prevent him from being such a candy holic like his mother. :) Noah's basket was so much fun to make this year and fairly cheap too. Most of his gifts came from the dollar section of target. I will admit when it comes to toys boys are easy to shop for and have TONS of options, clothes not so much. Guess that's the trade off since girl toys are blah to me but the clothes are super adorable. Once Noah discovered his basket it was all down hill from there. He loves to pull things out and just sit and examine them and how they work. It's such a fun thing to watch, you can almost see the little wheels turning. As per our usual we were late for church, but we made it and it was such a joy to be able to sit through an entire service and not have to rush off to work. I just love our church and am looking forward to watching Noah grow and come to love the Lord in this church. Home was a whirlwind of lunch a mini egg hunt and of course our annual pictures before I had to run off to work. I will say that even though little boy clothes aren't nearly as fun as girl clothes they do make some cute stuff, and Casey really enjoys dressing like his mini me. Please note the bow tie and vest in the below pictures as example a-Z.