Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

So Noah had his first Easter today and he'll be 7 weeks tomorrow!! Can't believe how fast time is flying. Little man looks so different from the scrawny no fat baby he was. He has a double chin, chubby cheeks and even a couple of rolls!! He's holding his head up, trying to push up on his hands, and kicking his little feet. He loves to look out the window, and he talks all the time. He grunts, a lot and makes faces and sticks his tongue in and out. He's still a horrible sleeper unless he's curled up with us or on his belly. So, Casey and I have official become bad parents and are letting our child sleep on his belly. Part of me is ok with this and part of me is scared to death I'm increasing my child's risk of SIDS. I've done research on my own and even read parental opinions on the matter and I still just don't know. Casey and I have never truly swaddled my child well at least not how they say to and now I wonder should I try that before I say ok he can sleep on his belly in his room across the hall. That's the other thing that worries me he's not in my room. I can't just wake up roll over touch him and make sure he's ok. I yet again have to trust that my son will be ok and I need to have faith that The Lord will protect my child, when I can't. He and I are finally hitting a groove, I just wish I could ask all these current moms with babies around his age. But then again I guess that's cheating. Casey is so calm and cool about it all, his attitude is it is what it is so why stress. But in other new he's graduated to. Size 1 diaper and is out of newborn and into 0-3 mth clothing! So on that note some new pics of my chubby cherub.

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