Friday, March 15, 2013

One month young

The bug is a month old this week!! I wish I could say its been easy and he's the best baby ever, but I would be lying. I love my baby but he spends most his days being cranky and gassy. We can't seem to get a good sleep pattern going, and we struggle to get him to stay asleep in his crib at night for any sort of longish stretch. He still however is so cute I can't help but love him, while still desperately missing my sleep. His ones month check up revealed him to be growing well despite his daily abuse of my boobs. Whoever said breast feeding was this glorious time of bonding and was super great, was wrong in my book. I love my son and watching him grow and by no means to I want him to grow up quickly but I will be excited when breast feeding gets easier for the both of us. So, some stats to prove my son is getting nutrients. He is now 8 lb 7.5 oz! Still little but better than he was. He also has a lot of man gas which makes him somewhat cranky, and his bewitching hour is about 830pm. He can be snoozing away 830 hits he's up whining, and crying till midnight. Casey and I just laugh now and make fun of him. We still don't sleep very well at night, which is the one thing I'm hoping gets better soon. He loves tummy time and making faces and music. He's also starting to hold his head up all by himself and make new noises. My favorite one is his machine gun grunt. So, that's the baby update can't wait to see what else is in store for our little family!!

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