Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sunshine on my shoulders

So, it's an absolutely gorgeous day in Georgia, I'm in short sleeves its that pretty!! The bug and I have officially made it to 36 weeks one more and he's considered full term!! Eegags that's crazy! His movements continue to get stronger and stronger and I think he's making practice drops. Every now and again I get this zing way down yonder. It feels like when you smack your funny bone. We have our next appt tomorrow and hopefully they will tell us how big they think he is. They were able to tell us last week that his head is down, so that's fabulous. I think Casey and I are somewhat ready for this next adventure. I don't think I'll ever feel truly ready, but the to do list is getting smaller. My toes are pretty and blue in honor of the bug and I'm getting my haircut next week. We're also going to pack the hospital bags next week and install the baby mirrors in the cars. Casey's still working fairly frequently but I'm down to just my weekend days, which is fine by me. I'm working on getting into a daily routine to prepare myself for labor. I've gotten back into my prenatal yoga, I'm doing upper body exercises during commercial breaks, and I'm really getting into walking at least two miles everyday. I'm also trying to lose some of me while still being healthy for him. Stood on the scale this week and I'm officially at 26 pound weight gain!! I was a little disappointed in myself my goal was 25 for the whole pregnancy. So, now I have to work at really watching my gain and what foods I eat. I think it's this sweet kick I've been on I could literally eat a bag of cookies a day!!! It's really quite ridiculous!! My child and I were doing so well at staying away from sweets because they made me fell gross and now I LOVE them! I'm trying to find balance lol. Plus my BP was a little elevated last weeks visit, so I'm keeping an eye on that too. And, I've officially stopped wearing my wedding rings. It makes me sad they still fit and all but by the end of they day they can be a little snug and I don't want them to get stuck, so I just put them up. Until my next update I leave you with the current bump picture and a little funny.

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