Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Basement time

So I'm stuck in the basement, and figured what better time to write a blog post than waiting to see if the tornado really is coming. My animals think I'm crazy and my husband might too because I'm not sure if I heard sirens or the train noise, either way I'm in the basement for the duration until hubby calls and gives the all clear. On the plus side that means y'all get a bump update!! The picture is me at 34 weeks. Still not sure if what I'm feeling is him moving Braxton hicks or both. Also, I cannot for the life of me figure out how he's positioned. All these people talking about appendages in the rib cages and such yeah I have no idea. I do know that the heartburn is worse now, I think he pushes up or something. Weight gain isn't to bad I hang out between 21-22 pounds and the doctor says I measure right on schedule. I do feel like I get hungry more frequently or that there is something I want and just don't know what it is. Little mans movements are getting stronger, but I still think he has some room in there, cause my stomach still shifts back and forth. Our last two weeks doctor appt is tomorrow then we start going every week!! Aghhh it's getting so close! I still feel like we have a ton to do though. My list gets longer instead of shorter it seems. Ah well I'm sure once he gets here that list will be never ending. So, bye for now I'm off to watch a storm.

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