Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today's the day what?!

Ok so this post may be done in parts mainly because who knows what today holds!! My water seems to have broken at approximately 455 this morning, and I was a bad girl and woke my husband up. I had to it caught me totally off guard and I guess I needed someone else to confirm that today was the day!! I mean he's early like by almost a month!!! Now I'm worrying whether or not he's ok and is something wrong. Also, I needed Casey to wake up because we had nothing done. The bag wasn't packed clothes I needed weren't clean nothing. So while I'm showering he's getting stuff done! And then I'm jus t leaking away, TMI I know but do you know how hard it is to get stuff done when you keep dribbling?! Utterly ridiculous. So here it is 650 in the morning and we are headed to breakfast and then the hospital.

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