Monday, November 26, 2012

25 weeks and counting!

So, I'm actually almost 26 weeks but this picture was taken when I was 25, that counts right? Anyways the bug and I are doing great, I'm actually beginning to feel some movement when I'm up and about as opposed to just lying down, which is of course so cool. My sweet tooth has come back with a vengeance though which I'm not so happy about. I eat about one marshmallow a day, weird I know but I do. However, I am trying to make that the limit of my sweets intake. So far so good but we got 15 weeks left. I've officially hit the 10 pound marker which according to my app is still within healthy weight gain range, but I gotta tell ya watching those numbers creep back up to where I was before I lost weight is kinda scary. I just gotta keep telling myself its more baby than me. In other news thanksgiving had officially passed which means in Casey's world that it is officially time to decorate for Christmas! Which is of course his favorite holiday. Some day I'll have to go down to the basement to take a picture of the plethora of storage containers holding all different colors of lights. It's a little scary I tell ya. We have another's doctors visit coming up soon plus our 3d ultrasound and maternity pictures!! It's going to be a fun month.

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