Monday, November 19, 2012

6 months and growing!

Ok so 6 months may slightly incorrect, since technically your pregnant for for 10 months but that's just details. So in my world 24 weeks = 6 months. Little man and I are growing quite nicely, although people still can't decide if I'm to big or to small for how far along I am. So, I've decided to just go with it. His movements are getting stronger and stronger each day, in fact it's getting to where Casey can feel him moving around more often then not. Our official weight gain at this point is 10lbs which according to my pregnancy app is good, so I'm excited. I'm also really loving watching my tummy move from the outside. I will admit it does look odd, but it is still just soo cool. So the baby bump is a little blurry so there may be another one if I remember before we move up a week.

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