Wednesday, January 9, 2013

32 weeks grown!!

Sorry for the big delay between pics I thought I had kept up better than I had apparently. Also, I'm not sure if my phone is putting some of my posts up. As you can see though me and my bug are growing quite well. His movements are increasing both in strength and amount. Here's some things I've learned about pregnancy, I go through random stages of hunger and I'm not hungry at logical times drives me nuts. Round ligament pain is for real and it's not that fun. My little bug is definitely going to be a ladies man once he's here, he's already flirting from the womb, and with an older woman no less!! Granted she's just two but still. I have no idea if the tightening in my belly is actual Braxton hicks or just the uterine stretching thing. My first baby shower is tomorrow!! I'm kinda excited about it, kinda scared too, I don't do well as the center of attention. In other news my husband has turned into a super fix it man. He's determined to get our house painted before the bug is born. So far we've painted the guest bath, master bath, and we just well he just finished the master bedroom. I love my husband he's such an amazing and extremely committed man. Eventually I'll get around to posting pics of everything. He's also installed crown molding in the guest and master bath as well. Ok well I guess I'll leave you with my bump picture and the hope that I get better about posting.

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