Monday, October 15, 2012

Three years Running!!

Today it's been three years since I said I do to my husband. He always knew he'd get married someday, I on the other hand already had my single woman life all planned out. To say I married my best friend is an understatement, I have many people in my life whom I would consider my best friends, and my husband far surpasses that. He's the other half I never knew I needed or for that matter wanted. He's my partner and crime and has become the little voice in my head sometimes. We've laughed more than we've fought which I consider to be a major plus in a marriage, especially listening to some couples over the years. We've been so many places together and we have so many more places to go. We started this marriage renting a house, then we built a house, and are now making it a home. We've become relatively good DIYers although by no means are we professionals, and I've learned it's easier to let him be and get it wrong then get to say I told you so. We started out life with one dog and one cat and now have two dogs and two cats. Children used to be a distant talk in the future, now the future is quickly arriving in march of next year. So many things in our life have changed and I know more change is still to come. Now that we've gotten the hang of being a married couple, we have to figure out how to be a couple and parents to a little person!! EEgags how scary is that. Actually if I was truthful so far it's not that scary, I love facing whatever the world has to offer with my husband at my side. So, to my partner in crime, my friend, my fighter, and my lover, here's to our first three years may the be the least of the very best yet to come. Love you.

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