Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ABC's 123's and babies oh my!

So, I'm sporadically back again. A lot has been going on since I last posted. Casey and I have been on multiple beach vacations, my godson turned one, my aunt got sick and has a long road ahead of her and we're having a baby. Oh and did I mention we're having a BABY!!! Obviously Casey and I aren't excited about this at all (insert sarcasm here lol). Everyone is making fun of us because our nursery aside from furniture and accessories is done. My pinterest is being bombarded with all these baby ideas I see, and I'm anxiously awaiting baby's first flutters of movement. Needless to say we are sooo excited! Our babies room is fairly neutral right now but we intend to spice it up with accessories depending on if baby is a boy or a girl. They say it's a boy but some people say my sonographer was wrong. We go back in October for the super long scan so I guess we'll find out for sure sure then. As of right now I'm sixteen weeks and doing great. I'm trying very hard to watch what I eat and be healthy for both me and baby. I do not want any complications due to me being unhealthy or the fact I started this journey overweight according to my BMI. Casey thinks I'm silly but it is a real worry for me. As of right now according to the OB's scale I've only gained a pound and she was very proud of me for that. So that made me feel good. However today I was so hungry after work I thought my stomach was gonna eat baby and I was burping and hunger cramping like crazy so I was bad and pulled into the McDonald's and had a smoothie and fries. So without further ado here are some pictures of baby and the nursery

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