Thursday, October 18, 2012

Half baked!!

We are half way done with this pregnancy!! I can't believe we have a half baked baby, and in 20 more weeks we get to meet our little person! Being pregnant is kinda surreal. Some days it's hard to believe I really am pregnant. I mean I do kinds look pregnant and my stomach is starting to get a little hard but still I'm not to the point where I feel baby N move all the time, so it's still kinds odd. However doing thing like squatting to clean up my husbands paint spatters not as easy as it used to be. So far for me I have had a great pregnancy nausea was minimal, which I was very thankful for I don't do sick very well. My nausea could usually be curbed by a small piece of fruit, yogurt, or some string cheese. I really have no sweet tooth right now and at first red meat was a no go, now it's kinda hit or miss. Salads were gross to me too which made eating my vegetables very hard however I love smoothies and putting spinach in my smoothies became my answer. Feeling baby move is another new sensation that I love, but I can still really only feel him when I sit still or lay down. This has caused my to be very lazy. Or it least that's my excuse haha. I do get put and walk the dogs and I love my prenatal yoga. Still working on making it back to the gym, but I finally feel spunky enough to try. Haven't gained to much weight, maybe a total of five pounds. Which I know sounds small but I'm overweight so I get to gain less anyways. Hoping to stay as healthy as possible, so as to prevent any complications. Casey and I also just finished registering which was actually quite fun, a lot of people say its overwhelming, but I really didn't think so. It took a while though like two days, and my husband got a little price gun happy. As in he just starts scanning stuff like a tinkle cup cause it makes him laugh. He also became like a major clothes crazy man just scanning all sorts if clothes with cute sayings, or things talking about how awesome a baby N's dad is. Was cracking me up, hopefully people will ignore my husbands silliness and purchase more useful and only some silly. Well here's my 20 week bump! No bare belly shots yet, haven't reached that level of bravery.

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