Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy new year, happy new me!

So, it's officially 2012 and like everyone else I'm making resolutions. In the past I've been horrible at keeping resolutions, but maybe putting into cyberspace will help me stay on task. My main resolution this year is to get healthy. Casey and I are talking about starting a family this year, and I want our future little person to be housed in the healthiest body possible. Right now I don't feel very healthy, and most days don't even really feel that cute. I call this my woes me I'm fat stage. It's happens periodically, my goal is to get healthier so it happens less. Plus there's no reason for me to not be healthy, I'm under thirty and have the time on my hands to be extremely healthy. If I could read books and be healthy I'd be set, but being healthy takes work and I need to push myself to do the work. Next big resolution is to dedicate myself into getting as involved as possible in a church, I love our current church but I've never felt very connected to the people in the church. So, Casey and I are on the search for a church closer to our current home and one where feel more connected to the people in the church. We have one that we've heard a ton of good things about and when we visited we got a good feel about the church, but its so hard to know when we work weekends and can only stay for half sermons or half Sunday school lessons. One thing about this church though they offer a ton of weekday bible studies that we could get involved in. Casey and I are also really getting into finally putting those homey touches on our home, mainly painting and finally nailing down our decorating style. So far we've painted the dining room and the kitchen/breakfast area. If I can figure out how to upload pictures from an iPad I'll post them other wise there will hopefully be a future post of home improvements if I can keep up with the thing. And there is my last resolution to utilize all these technological tools that just fall into my lap. Having a blog is like having an online diary something I tried desperately to keep as a child, npbut much like this blog failed miserably at. Most of the time it was because everyone seemed to have such amazing things to discuss on a daily basis, not so much for me. So I've decided to just write the things I have to tell instead of just trying to keep up a steady stream of posts, which means you'll probably get sporadic long posts like this, but hey who cares, right now I'm the only one who actually realizes this still exists. Which also means this blog can be whatever I want whether it be DIY, thoughtful musings, or funny stories from work. Ah the new year what a great way to start

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