Friday, August 26, 2011

There are days

So my husband and I are nurses. He does adults and I do peds, and for the most part it's run of the mill kinda stuff. The area where are hospital is, is kind of a poor part of town, so everyone uses the ER as their primary care physician. But somedays, someday we get some neat things in and on those days I absolutely love my job. This weekend was one of those times. Patient comes in wrist jacked up to hell and back and we get to make him loopy and yank it back in place. Now I realize the words I'm using are verbally harsh, but they really give the best depiction of what we do. Now as the nurse my job is counter weight, the doctor pulls and I push so we can get those wrist bones back up in place. All doctors have different ways of achieving the same effect,but the one thing that remains the same is you gotta pull those bones, and sometimes it's really hard, this was one of those times. Are doctor was pulling for all she was worth and I was pushing for all I was worth and we thought we got it back in place it felt pretty good, but a second xray said nope not so much, we needed to get those bones closer together. So we try again and I mean our doctor is pushing and pulling and bending and she just can't get it. Here comes the I love my job part, she told me to give it a try. She explains how to hold and at what angle I need to pull and she will provide counter balance. We get into position I give that patients wrist one good yank and "pop" you hear that bone slide back into place. It's a great feeling knowing you're able to help in that way. This will actually be the second bone I've pulled back into place. The first was when one of our other doctors was extremely pregnant and hauling on an arm could cause baby to pop out. She told me to pull straight up on the hand and then she would manipulate the bones. So I pulled straight up and one resounding "pop" later bones were back in place and there was no manipulating needed from the physician. It's nice to know I was placed in the right field of work, cause there are days I wonder, but this weekend God let me know he knew where I belonged.

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