Monday, January 16, 2012


So, exciting things are going on in the world of decor at the stokes houe!! But more on that later today I just need to vent for just one moment, because I get tired of being that last straw and seems to happen to me a lot. Maybe it's because I'm not someone to hold it in, I either choose to let it go or just go ahead and get it off my chest. However it seems some women hold on to things and let them build and build and somehow I always wind up smack dab in the middle of the word bomb when it happens, and I've got to tell you it's a little hurtful. I work very hard to be as easy going as possible because I know I AM NOT a confrontational person, never have been I hate arguments, yelling, all of it. It gets my adrenaline going worse then when you hear those sirens going on the radio and they're calling your unit emergency. So yesterday I got word bombed bad, in the middle of craziness at work by someone that consider myself somewhat friends with. All because I was the last straw and what I did didn't even make her mad! So now I'm frustrated because for one she never apologized which means deep down she thinks she had a right to do what she did, which hurts, and two I'm frustrated because yet again I did not stand up for myself. I can't come up with snappy comebacks in the heat of an argument, I come up with them like twenty minutes later. O well like Casey says over and done with, put it aside and enjoy the new day, and this is going to be a GREAT day. I get to hang out with my mom and aunt Helen ( well technically great aunt but nobody cares). So yippee for a good Monday!!

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