Monday, January 18, 2010

My First

Okay, so since blogging seems to be the newest and greatest thing I'm gonna try it. I make no guarantees on how well this will go nor about how exciting it will be, but who knows. I am newly married as of October 15, 2009 to a most fantastic man, Casey Stokes. He and I are also new homeowners as of November 20, 2009. Quite exciting for us we spent our first christmas together in our first brand new house. We are currently working on jazzing up our home a little bit. Finding fun things to make it ours. Our current most spectacular finds are a new bedroom suite and this great little cabinet to help hide dog cookies and all of his man stuff ( wallet sunglasses etc). It's a lot of fun being a new home owner and all the stores love new home owners too. We've got a ton of coupons which makes shopping just that much more fun. We're still trying to figure out the ups and downs of being a married couple, but so far so good. I just gotta teach him to hand over the reciepts so the checkbook can match the bank. LOL. However, it's really nice having a ready made person to give opinions and advice on things. We've got so many cool ideas for our house it's hard to know where to start. I think the next big project is our deck. Casey is tired of gremlin being a mud monster when it rains. He's such a boy wanting to be dirty all the time. Gremlin is also officially one year old, Cinnamon and Sugar are old fogies at 5 and 4 respectively. So, I guess that will be it for now, but hopefully that's a pretty good intro into our life.

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