Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello Again

So, I've decided that since so much has happened to me in the months before I started blogging I'm going to post a picture each time I write of the the things of yester months. Casey and I just got done reorganizing the guest bedroom in preparation for moving our current furniture into it becasue we are getting new furniture tomorrow!!! So exciting! We've decided that we're going for casual luxury in our room. We're using taupe and white with accents of green and burgandy. So far holding it all together it looks really nice we'll have to see what happens when it's really all in there. The bathroom is going to be a continuation of those colors. Okay, so I think the first picture I'm going to post from yester months is going to be from Casey's sister's wedding in May. Casey and his friend Nick did the wedding photography while I got to play Atrsy helper and wedding coordinator. My shining moment was cutting the cake, I have never been so covered in icing and they just kept coming. So finally I just licked my fingers and said owell. The wedding was so cute though, and I can't wait to one day be an Aunty again. Casey's younger brother already has 3 kids but they're out in CA so we don't see them much right now. Speaking of marriage have I mentioned how much work it is to get your name changed?! Casey and I got married in October and he and I are still fixing my name for certain stuff. In any case here's the picture of us from the wedding, it's time to go wander more half built houses and then go to work. See ya lata alliagata!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I am absolutely addicted to reading blogs so now I can add you to my ever growing list!

    And I have never seen as wonderful of a cake cutter as you, my dear. Although you are going to have to wait for a while to be an aunty again lol - and you are right - changing your name is the biggest pain in the butt!
