Friday, January 29, 2010

Back so soon....

This week was very productive for me and Casey. We did some research on decks under cover, so that hopefully we won't have any more mud colored dog episodes. We found two systems that might work okay, one at Home Depot and the other at Lowes still not sure which one is better. We also found a picture to go between the two curtains in the master bedroom at Kirklands. It's a great landscape old dock facing out onto a beautiful lake at sunset with mountains in the background. We also got the other valance so our breakfast nook now has a full set of valances. It's looking quite cute we just need a new breakfast table someday and paint on the walls. I tried out my new bike that i got back at Christmas time. I went with some friends at work to The Silver Comet Trail, and we rode about 10 1/2 miles. Now I know it may not sound very long but it totally kicked my butt, but I will admit I was very proud of myself. I also did my WII active =] So, all in all I had a a somewhat porductive workout week. I also got to hang out with a really good friend of mine I haven't seen since the wedding. We hung out, had lunch, she finally got to see my house all finished. It was a really nice end to my day. Casey and I are also going to be extending our under deck and adding a pathway to the backyard from the side yard. It's kind of a wet mess right now and we're hoping the pathway will help. Okay last milestone of the day I have officially entered the world of DVR I'm typing on the couch while watching a recorded episode of white collar. How cool am I!?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Boy do I have a weekend for you

As far as working weekends go, I feel that this one was was fairly eventful. It started on Friday with Gremlin hacking up some sort of dog loogie on our brand new duvet. So, at 6 something in the morning I'm running around my bedroom without my glasses trying to clean it up. Not my happy place. Needless to say my duvet cover has now officially been broken in and washed. Then I was so proud of myself because I had actually for once in my life timed dinner perfectly to when Casey usually got home from work, then he called and said he was gonna be late, so sad. Saturday and Sunday Casey and I both work so fairly uneventful there until we get home on Sunday night after the torrential downpour. Our yard is still somewhat of a work in progress since it's a new house and the sod hasn't quite had a chance to really start growing. However there is this one spot under the deck right next to our downstairs patio that is nothing but pine straw and georgia red clay. We've put a fence around it to try to keep the dogs out of it, well last night they found a way in. My tan and white dog was red and my red dog was light brown and there was mud everywhere. On the siding on the porch on the gutter everywhere. So, at midnight last night Casey and I are outside in the cold washing our mud monsters. It was a hoot we had them on leashes and they wanted nothing to do with that cold spray and were running around for all they were worth. Then we had to put them in the basement to dry off and they shook so much water out of them we had to set a fan up to dry out teh basement floor. Finally it go to be bedtime at 1:30 in the morning, but they were good puppies and when we told them to stay off the bed they did and slept on their puppy beds that we brought upstairs. Okay so for today's trot down memory lane I think I'm going to post an oldie but goodie. It's from my trip to Ireland with my family after college graduation. I didn't know Casey then of course but funny thing is we met shortly after because I started working at Wellstar.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain Rain go away

I'm sooo tired of it raining. Our yard has this weird slope and whenever it rains it turns into a slip n slide which for some might be great for us not so much. Our dogs have to be cleaned every single time it rains, so for today they got to live in the garage. Gremlin did surprisingly well. One time we left him on the deck and he chewed our brand new door frame, so that began the list of things to fix in our brand new house. We finally bought the stuff we think we need to fix it today. We're gonna try to put a metal piece over the top and then paint over it. We're actually gonna do that to all the outdoor doorframes, just take aways temptation. My new bed was Wonderful!!!! We love having a king size bed, all three animals and us fit on the with tons of movable room. It was the best first night sleep on a new bed I've ever had. We went shopping today and our master bedroom really looks like a luxurious suite now. We added Asian style hand painted lamps from Bed Bath and Beyond and these gorgeous curtains. Casey is up there taking pictures now. We also found really cute curtains on sale at Sears for our breakfast nook, but we gotta go back and get one more. I tried to tell Casey I thought the middle window was bigger, but owell what can ya say men. So, the picture of the day is actually from my good friends Lindsay's Birthday. We went downtown to Shout and had drinks and tapas, but the best part of the whole night was that we all wore hot pink shoes, so that's what the picture is all about.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 3

Ok so I'm kinda proud of myself I've done this whole blogging thing for 3 straight days. Today was a rather exciting day for me and Casey we officially have a master suite and a guest bedroom. Technically right now all our bedrooms are guest bedrooms, but whenever we decide to have kids this room will stay the guest bedroom. So for all you married people who visit me you can actually sleep in the same bed now!!! I know amazing right? The guest room has my old furniture but pottery barn duvet cover and butterfly pictures that I took, it also has a tv and dvd player for those friends who come from different time zones. We spent yesterday reorganizing it so it doesn't look so much like a catch all room. The end effect is rather charming if I do say so myself, and I do. Once our 1 year they fix it if it's broke warranty is up, there will be paint on the walls too. Mine and Casey's bedroom is looking fabulous, we just need to get the rest of the curtains and the lamps we found at Bed bath and beyond. I can't wait to try out our new King size bed. I love moving up in the adult world. Our room has a very Asian feel, it's quite cozy, and all the delivery guys today we're great. I love American Home showplace. everybody needs to go to Dalton to visit this store. So today's post is going to have a couple of pictures some from the guest and master bedroom, and the other is the next big event of 2009. Which happens to be Casey graduating from nursing school. Have fun looking!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello Again

So, I've decided that since so much has happened to me in the months before I started blogging I'm going to post a picture each time I write of the the things of yester months. Casey and I just got done reorganizing the guest bedroom in preparation for moving our current furniture into it becasue we are getting new furniture tomorrow!!! So exciting! We've decided that we're going for casual luxury in our room. We're using taupe and white with accents of green and burgandy. So far holding it all together it looks really nice we'll have to see what happens when it's really all in there. The bathroom is going to be a continuation of those colors. Okay, so I think the first picture I'm going to post from yester months is going to be from Casey's sister's wedding in May. Casey and his friend Nick did the wedding photography while I got to play Atrsy helper and wedding coordinator. My shining moment was cutting the cake, I have never been so covered in icing and they just kept coming. So finally I just licked my fingers and said owell. The wedding was so cute though, and I can't wait to one day be an Aunty again. Casey's younger brother already has 3 kids but they're out in CA so we don't see them much right now. Speaking of marriage have I mentioned how much work it is to get your name changed?! Casey and I got married in October and he and I are still fixing my name for certain stuff. In any case here's the picture of us from the wedding, it's time to go wander more half built houses and then go to work. See ya lata alliagata!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

My First

Okay, so since blogging seems to be the newest and greatest thing I'm gonna try it. I make no guarantees on how well this will go nor about how exciting it will be, but who knows. I am newly married as of October 15, 2009 to a most fantastic man, Casey Stokes. He and I are also new homeowners as of November 20, 2009. Quite exciting for us we spent our first christmas together in our first brand new house. We are currently working on jazzing up our home a little bit. Finding fun things to make it ours. Our current most spectacular finds are a new bedroom suite and this great little cabinet to help hide dog cookies and all of his man stuff ( wallet sunglasses etc). It's a lot of fun being a new home owner and all the stores love new home owners too. We've got a ton of coupons which makes shopping just that much more fun. We're still trying to figure out the ups and downs of being a married couple, but so far so good. I just gotta teach him to hand over the reciepts so the checkbook can match the bank. LOL. However, it's really nice having a ready made person to give opinions and advice on things. We've got so many cool ideas for our house it's hard to know where to start. I think the next big project is our deck. Casey is tired of gremlin being a mud monster when it rains. He's such a boy wanting to be dirty all the time. Gremlin is also officially one year old, Cinnamon and Sugar are old fogies at 5 and 4 respectively. So, I guess that will be it for now, but hopefully that's a pretty good intro into our life.