Monday, November 26, 2012

25 weeks and counting!

So, I'm actually almost 26 weeks but this picture was taken when I was 25, that counts right? Anyways the bug and I are doing great, I'm actually beginning to feel some movement when I'm up and about as opposed to just lying down, which is of course so cool. My sweet tooth has come back with a vengeance though which I'm not so happy about. I eat about one marshmallow a day, weird I know but I do. However, I am trying to make that the limit of my sweets intake. So far so good but we got 15 weeks left. I've officially hit the 10 pound marker which according to my app is still within healthy weight gain range, but I gotta tell ya watching those numbers creep back up to where I was before I lost weight is kinda scary. I just gotta keep telling myself its more baby than me. In other news thanksgiving had officially passed which means in Casey's world that it is officially time to decorate for Christmas! Which is of course his favorite holiday. Some day I'll have to go down to the basement to take a picture of the plethora of storage containers holding all different colors of lights. It's a little scary I tell ya. We have another's doctors visit coming up soon plus our 3d ultrasound and maternity pictures!! It's going to be a fun month.

Monday, November 19, 2012

6 months and growing!

Ok so 6 months may slightly incorrect, since technically your pregnant for for 10 months but that's just details. So in my world 24 weeks = 6 months. Little man and I are growing quite nicely, although people still can't decide if I'm to big or to small for how far along I am. So, I've decided to just go with it. His movements are getting stronger and stronger each day, in fact it's getting to where Casey can feel him moving around more often then not. Our official weight gain at this point is 10lbs which according to my pregnancy app is good, so I'm excited. I'm also really loving watching my tummy move from the outside. I will admit it does look odd, but it is still just soo cool. So the baby bump is a little blurry so there may be another one if I remember before we move up a week.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A redcoat is coming!!

So every year since I graduated college I go back to play in the alumni band on alumni day. I know I know it's a little geeky but what can I say I am a band geek and proud of it. Plus it's the only Georgia game I get to go to, and it's my once a year to play on Georgia's field with my daddy. Because of course my dad is a band geek too. When I first graduated it was just me, mom, dad and my brother, now Casey gets to come too. It was kinda funny the first year we went he was all about taking pictures and didn't really pay attention to the game, now he takes a few pics and watches the game. I'm slowly converting him hehe. This year was a little different mainly because Casey and I get to be parents next year, which means I got to be pregnant and march on the field!! I always thought it would be cool to be pregnant and march even had a cool shirt planned, so you can imagine just how excited I was when it actually happened. Mom and I made the shirt and I must say it was quite a hit, people where coming up to take pics of my belly and I got so many compliments on the shirt. Lots of people were amazed that I made the shirt! I will admit it was kinda weird having people take pictures of my belly, I never knew if I needed to smile or no. So while its late as usual here for your viewing pleasure little mans first trip onto UGA's field.

Monday, November 5, 2012


On October 31my aunt died, she was the oldest of her siblings and the only one who still had many of the characteristics that reminded us of her parents. She was the matriarch of my moms side of the family. She was an incredibly intelligent woman with a passion for family history. She loved cats, travel, and quilting. But mostly she was just my aunt Kathy the woman who somehow always up sitting next to me whenever we ate which meant invariably I would be pinched because I would at some point put my elbows on the table. The woman who inspired my love of travel because she always seemed to be going to such cool places. She was a little bit like me or maybe I was a little like her, we both had lots of great ideas which in turn meant lots of unfinished products and stuff to eventually finish them with. I'm sad she's gone, but glad her death was painless and at home while surrounded by family. I'm angry at tr cancer she never had the chance to fight, and upset by the short four months we were given to learn as much from her as we could. There are some stories I will never get to hear now because she was the only one who knew them. She was a wealth of knowledge ill never get to learn. But I'm glad her death was peaceful and that she made her peace with God, and that those important to her were able to say goodbye. My child will never know his great aunt or how close she mirrored the great grandparents he will never meet, but her friends left him a great tribute in her honor. A quilt so that he will always know she loved him even before he was here.