Thursday, January 1, 2015

Yummy serendipity!

So today I'm going to tell y'all about a yummy dip I came up with all by myself!! Well my mom assisted slightly but the over all idea was mine and I'm kinda proud of myself so I'm sharing.  As you all know today is New Years what you don't know is that it was my holiday to work.  Sad face I know but someone had to take care of the sick and afflicted as my husband calls them and that was me.  But I digress, so anyways couple days ago one of my fellow nurses sends me a text saying that she and another coworker are bringing snacks am I in.  Well of course I'm in!! Hello snack queen here, hence the reason why I still have baby weight, but that's a tale for another post.  So back to snacks the hardest part is deciding what to bring, so I start with Pinterest of course!  I have a board labeled party food, but as per my usual wasn't feeling any of it or didn't have ingredients readily available. Then I decide to type in New Years dips and see what happens, eureka there it is a s'mores dip!  I'm digging it and I have chocolate and marshmallows.  Then comes the dilemma, this dip is best warm and I can't keep it warm at work.  So mom and I brainstorm and come up with a delicious solution!  

S'mores dip

All measurements are approximate
 4 oz low fat cream cheese 
1/8 c Nutella 
Dark chocolate chips to taste
Marshmallows (tiny) to taste

Bring cream cheese and Nutella to room temp or if short on time place in microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds at 50%. Then mix until combined add chips and marshmallows and store in fridge till ready to serve!!

This dip was tangy and not to sweet and perfect on either nilla wafers or graham crackers! 
Happy New Years!

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