Friday, January 30, 2015

Adventures in baby sleeping!

OurSo did anyone catch the movie reference in my title?? Huh huh did us? Well just like the movie this tale of full of excitement and danger. Well maybe not danger so much as heart stopping astonishment. Starting in January my almost two year old son decided to kick off the new year by climbing out of his crib.  Yep you read that right, my never even tried or attempted to make an escape kid made a grand escape one night and scared the bejesus out of me and his daddy.  Let me start by saying my son has never been an awesome sleeper he was ten months before he slept through the night and even then would still wake up in the night.  He does not sleep well in strange beds which makes traveling more exhausting then rejuvenating, and we've always put him to bed already asleep. Now I know you people are thinking horrible mom let him cry he's gotta figure it out on his own.  Well here's my dilemma with letting him cry it out. It doesn't work he cries until he vomits or hyperventilates and the. It's that's much longer and harder to get him back to sleep.  So in the end we modified CIO with no tear sleep solutions, and it was working until that fateful January evening.  It started with noah waking and crying off and on for two hours and ended with me soothing him and putting him back to bed. He immediately started crying but I was like he's gonna figure it out and doze off, oh no mere minutes later I hear this little voice and both Casey and I shoot out the bed as we realize that voice is getting closer open the door and there stands a hiccuping hyperventilating little boy who as soon as daddy picked him up passed out.  Needless to say he slept in our bed that night. Next night in the crib we're asleep he wakes up fussing we leave him be and I watch him climb out his crib quite gracefully I might add. So night two in our bed, and we needed a plan.  Next morning we are off to babies r us and come home with a toder bed. The next few weeks are spent redoing his entire sleep routine and finding ways to keep him in his room.  Our mini genius figured out how to pop open the baby proof doorknob and escape so we taped that together.  Then began the process of a new routine one in which he went to bed awake and fell asleep in his toddler bed.  It's still a work in progress but it's gone so much better than I had thought it would.  He gets a bath, pjs bedtime story of choice milk a quick snugs and then into badge goes awake.  I sit next to him but I basically ignore him and he drifts off all by himself!! Now the way he sleeps is one for the books! So many crazy positions! So for moms who hate CIO there is another way you just have to pull the pieces together so it works for you.

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