Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas time is here

It's been awhile since I've put anything on here, but a lot has been happening in the stokes household.  We've been to the beach multiple times, Noah flew on a plane for the second time in his life, and my husband has entered the world of animated Christmas lights!! It started with a Halloween display where he made pumpkins lights up in time to music noah absolutely adored it.  He's been wanting to do a Christmas show to music and this year he finally did it!! He started programming the lights at our fall beach trip and continued until thanksgiving night when he turned it all on! Since then we've had a fairly steady stream of cars each night in our cul de sac stopping to listen.  I'm so proud of my husband and I love watching him plan out next years show and come up with new ideas.  I honestly don't know what we are going to do come January when there are no more lights.  Noah wakes up each morning and the first thing he wants to do is go and push all the buttons to make the lights come on.  My mom says we may have to decorate the basement to ease his distress.  

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