Tuesday, October 14, 2014

That kid

So, my son is about to be labeled as that kid, or at least that's my current fear. The kid that's separated from other kids because of what he might do, which right now is biting. He's not a consistent biter and he doesn't do it to be mean, and he only doesn't when he's teething. We have tried every teething toy on the market and I cannot find one he'll take to. I'm not as worried about the biting but a child that bites carries such a stigma. Today I watched a mom's face as my son's teacher told her that her child had been bit by someone in her class, and I watched her face change. I feel so bad that my son bit her child but I feel worse for my son. I watched my brother grow up being labeled "that" kid due to his ADHD. No one believed him or gave him a chance they just assumed he did it or it was ultimately going to be his fault. I don't want this for my child, he's a sweet kid who loves hanging around other kids. At sunday school one teacher has already labeled him and makes him sit by himself because of what "might" happen even though it's happened so infrequently she's already put a label on my child making sure to tell all the other teachers he's a biter an to watch out for him. And while I know that this is such a small drop in my son's little pond, it still makes me so upset because I can't fix it. I'm not there when he does it, I don't know what type of situation he was in that caused the biting. Was it just because his teeth hurt or was it do to some situation that stressed him out and that was what his little brain told him would relieve stress. I know my son can't be liked by everyone but I don't want him to be disliked because of something he did with from what i can tell without malice of forethought. I don't want parents to give us "the" look as we walk down the hall, or to not let their kids come play with my son. It seems silly I know, but it still worries me.

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