Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Band aids and boo boos

With possible major changes coming down the pipes at work I am yet again contemplating where else I could find a job.  I love my job and the people I work with, but management is starting to put some changes in place that's going to hinder me doing the job I love which is taking care of kids.  Pediatrics as a specialty seems to be going the way of a track tapes.  An outdated commodity that is a perfectly good notion but no one wants the financial responsibility of outfitting a pediatric friendly area.  So now begins the what would I do instead, but to tell you the truth I love what I do.  Being the nurse for my moms sports camp this week really brought it home for me.  I love taking care of little people.  Granted this week has mainly been ice packs and band aids, but I love it!! I love hearing their little voices and their stories and how they just want a little attention and then they're ready for action again.  I tell my husband that I would love to work for a design firm being an errand girl.  You know that person you see who's out buying the last essential pieces, or the one who's the the mission to find that perfect piece to finish out a room.  I think it would be sooo much fun, especially since I love to shop and wander!! But I have to ask myself could I do that forever?? Would it still be fun if I did it everyday?  Taking care of kids is fun for me,  I'm just tired of the politics and the propaganda.  The pretending they care about staff when what they care about is a bottom line.  I became a nurse to take care of kids not to help my managers numbers look good.  So I ponder again what to do when I grow up??

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