Thursday, June 16, 2011

Catch all phase

Okay so I decided that I'm not that good at blogging and this whole slowly catching people up with what's going on in life not happening so much. So, we are going to try getting all caught up in one fell sweep. January was a fun month for the citizens of Georgia we were snowed in for three days and nobody knew what to do. I must admit I was quite proud of myself in that I felt I had a good grasp on what to do in general in a snow storm seeing that I lived in Denver CO, and they get a lot of snow. Granted I was like ten and couldn't drive, but that didn't stop people from giving me pointers on how to drive in the snow. The night that it all started I was at work and everyone was getting called in and being told they needed to pack to stay. I was determined to go home, it took me two hours one sliding episode, and a conversation with a woman who kept asking me the same question, but I made it. It was glorious that first night all soft and fluffy and fun. The dogs had a blast dashing through it and snuffling it, and eating the bits we threw at them. The next two day were a different story the top layer of snow was hard and slick, Gremlin and Cinnamon would walk on it and then crash through. Gremlin though was the best he would try to hike his leg to pee and slide down the hill that is our backyard, he finally just gave up and squatted like a girl. We also got a new pet in the form of Mr. Boo who was a cat that showed up on my mom's doorstep but wound up living at mine. My brother was apparently suffering from allergies which kicked his asthma into high gear. February the excitement of that month was losing Boo and then by the Grace of God finding him a week later sitting on a neighbors porch in a completely different neighborhood meowing pitifully. Needless to say we think he's going to be permanently grounded whether he wants to be or not. End of March beginning of April was when we went on our first cruise, it was for Casey's birthday. We had friends that were going to go with us but had to back out at the last minute because of morning sickness. The cruise was great!! Lots of stuff to do and Casey and I even managed to work out a bit while on the ship. We went of the Allure of the Seas currently the biggest cruise ship, which is cool, but that means a lot of the ports can't handle that ship. Our ports wound up not being super cool, but they did provide us with relaxation and fun and some new experiences. My favorite of which was the 30 foot long bamboo raft in Jamaica that took us down the Martha Brae river. Our guide was fantastic told us the folklore behind the Martha Brae (she was a witch) and was full of interesting tid bits about the island itself. I don't think Martha liked me laughing at the story though cause she stole my sunglasses! We also learned that you need to go out in the sun in the afternoon, both of us wound up with some heat rashes. Also, our server for dinner every night was great and his helper was from the Philippeans and so cute.

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