Sunday, May 22, 2011

Godmother 101

So Casey and I are going to be godparents!! I'm so excited, my best friend and her husband are having a baby and they're the ones that asked us. Now I knew a little bit about what being a godparent meant and Casey and I had talked about it before hand because my friend has godparents, but just to be completely clear we went and read about it on the Internet anyways. After reading what the Internet had to say it got me thinking about being a godparent and I just got this urge to write my future godson letters. I don't get urges very often so when I do I take them seriously because it's usually God trying to get through. I have all these ideas running through my head of things I want to tell him, things that may or may not help him. I want to write the letters now so his parents can read them to him before he's born and also so he'll have something to look at as he gets older. Being a kid these days isn't easy and I think it's only going to become harder as the years go by and the people of this world continue to focus on nothing but themselves. I want to tell him stories about me and his mom and things I went through so that maybe he'll be more prepared for the world. I want to be funny and serious all at the same time. I want him to be able to look at my letters and draw strength and practical knowledge from them. I want him to be able to see the many sides of being a christian, but mostly I want for him to know he was loved, loved across thousands of miles and before he was even born. I want him to know I stayed up late contemplating cute stationery so I could write him letters, and I want him to know he is truly blessed with the parents he is getting.

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