Monday, June 6, 2016

6,7,8 update

Poor second child!! I'm so behind with his updates I'm not even sure I can remember what happened when!! So, broad overview Eli is now almost twenty  pounds, has had a couple of nights where he slept the entire night, loves any and all food, sits up on his own and army crawls everywhere!!! He really wants to stand and walk though, he gets sooo mad if you try and make him sit!! Nursing is still going strong, but he is super distracted so he may wean earlier than his brother.  New foods include a love of scrambled eggs, chicken curry, and asparagus!! He talks all the time! Says dada baba, and is working on mom.  He figured out how to put himself in a sitting position last week, and can now roll both ways.  Everything goes in his mouth his favorite being paper and plastic!!! He loves his brother and Noah can make him laugh which is sooo cute!! He's most definitely our happy go lucky baby and will smile at anyone. Noah was always reserved, and it took a lot to make him smile.  Eli giggles and bounces when someone he knows comes in the room, it cracks me up.  

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