Monday, August 1, 2016

9 months and the beach!

So back in June we took our annual family trip to the beach, which also happened to be when Eli turned nine months.  Both boys had an absolute blast and seem to be total water babies which makes this mommy very happy.  Eli started army crawling and is super committed to just dragging himself everywhere.  He's also really starting to love people food, and gets super distracted when nursing now, which is quite frustrating for me.  However he seems to make up for it at night as he still wakes up to nurse and as of yet has not consistently slept through the night, making for one tired and grumpy momma.  Eli loves talking and holds all kinds of conversations with people, he also learned to wave at people while we were at the beach!! But his wave is this kind of hail hitler just stick my hand up in the air and grin wave, super cute though!! Two weeks at th beach was just what the doctor ordered for our family and I'm pretty sure it's become Noah's most favorite place to be.  He's been taking swim lessons for a couple months now and he really put them to use while we were at the beach!  He jumped in the water and hold his breath to "swim" underwater and just had the BEST time in his "agoon" as he calls it.  Eli was content to float or just be held and invariably was lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves.  All in all it was an amazing trip, and we are so happy our little 34 weeker is a happy chunky little nine month old!

Monday, June 6, 2016

6,7,8 update

Poor second child!! I'm so behind with his updates I'm not even sure I can remember what happened when!! So, broad overview Eli is now almost twenty  pounds, has had a couple of nights where he slept the entire night, loves any and all food, sits up on his own and army crawls everywhere!!! He really wants to stand and walk though, he gets sooo mad if you try and make him sit!! Nursing is still going strong, but he is super distracted so he may wean earlier than his brother.  New foods include a love of scrambled eggs, chicken curry, and asparagus!! He talks all the time! Says dada baba, and is working on mom.  He figured out how to put himself in a sitting position last week, and can now roll both ways.  Everything goes in his mouth his favorite being paper and plastic!!! He loves his brother and Noah can make him laugh which is sooo cute!! He's most definitely our happy go lucky baby and will smile at anyone. Noah was always reserved, and it took a lot to make him smile.  Eli giggles and bounces when someone he knows comes in the room, it cracks me up.  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five months and potty training!

So this post is so very far behind, but I've been looking at my photos lately and realized I need to do some photo dump posts.  Noah turned 3 February 11!!! So hard to believe I have a three year old, but more on that later.  Eli turned five months on the 13 and we started potty training Noah around that time as well.  Let me tell you I was dreading potty training, Noah was sooo against it!! But at the same time he would tell us if he pooped or peed in his diaper, so the week of his birthday we started prepping him.  Every diaper changed we reminded him that when he turned three the diapers went away, well about halfway through the week the diapers ran out so we started pull ups, but my son quickly figured out that they were similar to diapers and would still pee in them.  Then one day my mom came to visit and he decided he wanted to stand like daddy not sit and things started to click.  The week after his birthday we have up on the pull ups and went to underwear and one pee and two poop accidents later and he was rocking it!!! He is now doing so well that twice he has woken up and come to tell someone he needed to pee!! I'm so proud of my big boy!! Tid bit had been doing so well! Everyone is amazed with how different he looks from the skin and bones little preemie we brought home! He loves to talk is working on rolling over from tummy to back, and while tummy time is still not s favorite he's finally pushing up and and somehow moving himself in circles! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Two months

So we've been a family of four for two whole months now!! We're still learning how to function as a family of four and being on time is one of those things we dream about.  Noah loves being a big brother but finds it quite bothersome that Eli isn't old enough to play and be jumped upon right now!! And I'm pretty sure Eli fears for his life on a daily basis.  Eli loves to eat hates tummy time and has already almost tripled his birth weight!  For the most part Eli eats every two to three hours making getting things done rather interesting. However upside if that is that he sleeps much better than Noah did at this age, and he can put himself to sleep!! This month was also baby dedication and Eli's first thanksgiving!  My mom made Eli's dedication outfit and I just love how it turned out, especially the red work balloon. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Four months!

Whew!! It's so hard to believe Eli is four months old!! Time has gone by so quickly, yet I feel like I'm so much more attuned to Eli than I was to Noah. Which makes me really wonder if I suffered from post partum depression with Noah. Or maybe because I know when Noah hit his milestones I just keep comparing the two.  However, as my husband keeps telling me I need to stop comparing my boys!!! Because not only do they look completely different but they are most definitely hitting their milestones at different points as well.  Eli is my free smiler he smiles at everybody and is also starting to laugh at people other than his mommy and daddy.  Tummy time is still hit or miss but I try to make sure every time I put him down to play its on his tummy.  He's started rolling over, which was so exciting to see!! I have trouble remembering he's six weeks premature because he's just so chunky!! He doesn't roll all the time but it's become fairly consistent. His also getting much better at grabbing and holding his toys and a couple times he's reached for toys while on his belly! He's still sleeping in the laundry basket in his crib, but I have a feeling that will be ending soon as he's starting to look a little long.  He's already almost tripled his birth weight at a whopping 16 pounds at his four month check up! Things we still have to work on is him opening up his hands more, statightening out his legs, and reaching for things while on his belly.  The pediatrician says he feels Eli is one of those babies who will all of a sudden start meeting milestones is quick succession. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

1,2,3 little months are we

So Eli is actually almost 4 months old, but I figured I should get caught up with the first three months first.  Eli is growing in leaps and bounds and looks like a fairly chunky 3 month old, however in a milestone sense you can tell he's a preemie. He has good head control when you hold him, but tummy time is a completely different story! He hates it still! He scruffles his face and will barely pull his head up let alone push up on his arms and he's no where near to rolling. He did finally unclench his hands and has begun swatting at his toys and grabbing them. But he doesn't have good grips when you place your fingers in his and try to pull him up, and he won't hold a toy that you put in his hand.  Sometimes I worry he's to far behind, my husband says not to worry he's perfect the way he is.  So I'm going to try not to worry and leave it in Gods hands.  Things Eli does do is giggle sometimes and smile socially. He's really starting to recognize his people and I love it when he's nursing and then just looks at me with this huge grin on his face. He's also becoming very nosey making nursing a fun adventure. He loves baths and watches his brother all the time. It's going to be so fun watching them grow up. Eli's current stats are 13 pounds 12.4 ounces pretty impressive for a kid who started at 5 pounds 13 ounces! And he's about 20 inches long. We go back for his four month check up soon, so I'll have exact measurements then.