Monday, July 13, 2015


So, fun little fact I turned 24 weeks on July 4th!!! Which means I'm officially in my second trimester and we are closer to the finish line than the starting line!! It's getting real y'all, and I gotta say a little overwhelming too!! I'm starting to realize in a few short month I'll be a mom of two boys!! The honey do list is growing not shrinking and to top it off we are about to start finishing our basement!!! One nice thing though is the fact that Noah's big boy room is basically done and he's been sleeping in there for about a week and a half. In other news Noah also no longer takes milk to bed and has started falling asleep on his own for nap time as well!  This is such a big step for him and us and one that'll hopefully help when baby Eli gets here.  Noah loves asking about baby Eli, if I make any sort of odd noise nah has to check and make sure baby Eli is ok.  We've also entered terrible twos with a vengeance my son is the king of meltdowns over what I think is nothing.  He's also gotten very whiny about leaving the house so I'm working on getting into a routine of leaving the house everyday and going somewhere.  Pregnancy is easier and harder at the same time.  I love that I can go to the gym, but hate that my nap time is pretty nonexistent right now.  Also picking up my son is getting harder and TMI here but I have some crazy vagina pain going on this time.  Some days it's not so bad others it feels like I've pulled my vagina muscles for lack of better terminology.  Hoping that with my start back of prenatal yoga this'll help.  Here's to three more months!

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