Thursday, April 2, 2015

Guess What?!?!

Well hello there, long time no see. So, big things happening in the stokes household the biggest being baby number two is on the way!!! Our due is end of October and we couldn't be more excited to watch our little family grow. We had great fun telling Noah he was going to be a big brother although for all that he is two not quite sure he's grasped the concept yet. He does however say he's going to be a big brother when you ask him. So far this pregnancy is completely different than my pregnancy with Noah. With my first pregnancy I had the classic morning sickness, that I battled with a thirty minute breakfast while drinking ginger ale with my feet propped up. I stopped going to the gym very early on in my pregnancy because I just felt ill after every workout. I hated red meat and didn't want sweets at all, at least until second trimester when I could have eaten a bag of marshmallows everyday, but limited myself to one a day. With this pregnancy I want sweets, bread and starbucks peach green tea lemonade. I'm not at all sick in the morning and love going to the gym. However, evening time is when I struggle, the thought of cooking makes me ill and if I'm going to be nauseous evening is the time of day it happens, making cooking a very difficult thing for me right now. I'm trying to come up with ways to be able to cook and not be ill, so far grilling and crockpot recipes have been the winners. Also I have a few favorite keep the ickies at bay that I'm really loving. One is preggo pop drops, my SIL introduced me to these and they have been a lifesaver in the evening time when my tummy can't decide what it wants to do. My other favorite is celestial seasonings jammin lemon ginger tea it is another great stomach settler that I can drink in the morning or at night, especially if I wasn't hungry when I woke up and then all of a sudden I'm like starving and nauseous all at the same time. My last favorite is so much a stomach soother as a gut mover. As all women know being pregnant can cause the pooper to become a little slow to non existent. Luckily I discovered dark chocolate covered prunes!!! Amazing little things that satisfy the sweet craving and keep things moving in a timely manner. I've found a small handful a day is just perfect. Casey and I are hoping for a girl, but we will of course take whatever God gives us and pray for a healthy baby above all else. As of right now we're about ten weeks along which makes us already 1/4 of the way through!!! Can't wait to see how this pregnancy goes.

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