Tuesday, August 12, 2014

School days!!

A while back Casey and I made the decision that come fall we were going to put Noah in the weekday education at our church.  At the time this decision was twofold, one my son desperately needed some socialization at the time this decision was made, and two I just needed a little me time to grocery shop or just have a quiet brain moment.  Judge me if you want I don't mind, at least I'm honest in my endeavors to be a mommy.  I also know that there are people out there who are far more blessed than I in the teaching department and I want my son to learn as much as possible from a variety of sources and people. Now since this decision has been made my son has blossomed from "that kid" you know the one who cries and screams when you leave him somewhere to the kid who smiles and says "bye" when you drop him off.  So now my little mama heart was again questioning did I make the right decision for my son or a selfish decision for me?? Well let me tell you after the excitement my son exhibited to get through those double doors and into his class, we made the right decision!! Noah had a great time at school his first day, and I got a good report that he didn't cry once.  He made an adorable picture and his face when he saw me was probably the highlight of my day.  He of course then proceeded to trip over someone's shoe and face plant but all and all I think my son is going to love his baby education!

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